On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Patrick M. Joyce wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to perform an integration on a function that contains a sum.
> Similarly I'm hoping whatever acts as a fix will be good enough to aid
> a 2nd case as well but I've already put in a work-around for that
> situation.
> My code example is here:
> watermelon=c(0,1,2,3)
> w<-function(x){
> sum(sin(x-watermelon))}
> integrate(function(x){w(x)},0,2)
> integrate(function(x){sin(x)+sin(x-1)+sin(x-2)+sin(x-3)},0,2)
> the first integral gives an error... the 2nd is what I should get for an
> answer for the first. Is there a way to get this to work the way that I
> desire?
Do as you were asked:
*) Read the Posting Guide
Note this bit:
Do your homework before posting ...
* Read the online help for relevant functions (type ?functionname,
*) Then read the documentation for 'integrate'
Note this bit:
f must accept a vector of inputs and produce a vector
of function evaluations at those points. The Vectorize
function may be helpful to convert f to this form.
You may find the functions 'outer' and 'rowSums' to be helpful
in crafting
a version of 'f' that produces vectorized output in this case.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Patrick Joyce
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> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Charles C. Berry (858) 534-2098
Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu UC San Diego
famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901