Dear R-Users, I am trying to apply a bootstrap to a GAM in order to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for a smooth curve obtained by the ?plot.gam? function of the mgcv package. Nonetheless, I am getting some difficulties in transposing the results for the graphs. I used the following commands in R, ?mgcv? and ?boot? packages: *> attach(bbvc_11Jul08)* *> model.boot<-function(data,indices){* *+<-data[indices,]* *+ model<-gam(asin(sqrt(Cov0_30))~s(age,k=4,bs="cr"),family=gaussian,* *+ coef(model)}* *> gam.boot<-boot(bbvc_11Jul08,model.boot,R=1000)* * > gam.boot* ORDINARY NONPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP Call: boot(data = bbvc_11Jul08, statistic = model.boot, R = 1000) Bootstrap Statistics : original bias std. error t1* 0.40370112 0.0002762674 0.02017378 t2* 0.04715501 -0.0144132280 0.07648348 t3* 0.14590936 -0.0135820501 0.05161244 t4* 0.13520098 -0.0096405733 0.04470793 I obtained 4 indexes in the ?bootstrap? output. I know that for a lm function, with an independent variable, t1 is the index of the intercept and t2 is the index of the variable, but for GAMs I don't find what each indexes really mean! Moreover, to calculate the confidence intervals of 95% I proceed as follows: * >,conf=0.95) * BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL CALCULATIONS Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates CALL : = gam.boot, conf = 0.95) Intervals : Level Normal Basic Studentized 95% ( 0.3639, 0.4430 ) ( 0.3635, 0.4434 ) ( 0.3583, 0.4507 ) Level Percentile BCa 95% ( 0.3640, 0.4439 ) ( 0.3623, 0.4434 ) Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale Warning message: In sqrt(tv[, 2]) : NaNs produced My first doubt is when I make "", which of the four should I choose? By default, R calculates "index=1:min(2,length(boot.out$t0)" but I don't know if this is the correct form to do it. Finally, I don?t know how to introduce the 95% confidence intervals in the "plot.gam". I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance. Lu?s Reino --- Luis Reino, PhD Student Centro de Estudos Florestais Departamento de Engenharia Florestal Instituto Superior de Agronomia Universidade T?cnica de Lisboa 1349-017 Lisboa Portugal