Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Bootstraping GAMs: confidence intervals"
2008 Jul 29
Bootstraping GAMs for confidence intervales calculation
Dear R-Users,
I am resending this message just to reminder my question regarding the
calculation of a bootstrap confidence intervals for a GAM plot.
I am trying to apply a bootstrap to a GAM in order to calculate the 95%
confidence intervals for a smooth curve obtained by the ?plot.gam?
function of the mgcv package. Nonetheless, I am getting some
difficulties in transposing the results for
2010 Sep 30
getting the output after bootstraping
Thanks to the help of people from this forum I was able to bootstrap my data
and then apply a model to it. Thanks for all your help.
Everything worked out well, but I am having a difficult time getting the new
parameter values. I bootstrapped the data 300 times and I want to get the
300 sets of parameter estimates and plot them in Excel.
Here is my code:
2003 Apr 24
bootstraping sensitivity and specificity
Dear all, I have a standard method and two alternatives to perform a test,
called method A and method B.
I have calculated the sensitivity and specificity for
standard method vs. method A and standard method vs. method B.
Hence, I have two sensitivity values an two specificity values.
To be clear, sensitivity and specificity was calculated from:
Disease(A) No Disease(Ac) Total
2003 Jan 16
bootstraping lm
I'm doing a bootstrap of a linear model using:
boot.fishpower <- function(data, i){
data <- data[i,]
fplm <- lm(log(U)~Q+S+P+B+D, data=data)
fp <- coef(fplm)
> boot(logglm.data,boot.fishpower,100)
Error in "[<-"(*tmp*, r, , value = statistic(data, i[r, ], ...)) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement
2006 Aug 29
En: Bootstraping for groups (right data tables)
Dear R-friends,
Unfortunately the tables that I "past" on last email gone with bad visual structure. So I send it again. Sorry to do this so confuse.
Table1 - Bird records
2003 Jun 10
Bootstraping with MANOVA
Does anyone know what the error message mean?
> Boot2.Pillai <- function(x, ind) {
+ x <- as.matrix(x[,2:ncol(x)])
+ boot.x <- as.factor(x[ind, 1])
+ boot.man <- manova(x ~ boot.x)
+ summary(manova(boot.man))[[4]][[3]]
+ }
> man.res <- manova(as.matrix(pl.nosite) ~
+ as.factor(plankton.new[,1]))$residuals
> boot2.plank <-
2008 May 29
Making bootstraping faster
I''m learning AcriveRecord (I''m not building web apps for now, just
playing with the database layer).
Problem is, when I run the following code:
require ''rubygems''
require ''activerecord''
puts ''hi''
It takes about 6 seconds. I''m using a slow computer. Now, it''s no fun
playing when it takes so long to
2011 Aug 17
OpenLDAP setup and bootstraping in CentOS 6
I'm having trouble getting openldap through its initial setup.
I created a /etc/openldap/slap.conf file with a default rootdn and rootpw, and they didn't seem to take effect. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth I found that if there is a config directory at /etc/openldap/slapd.d, it will ignore slapd.conf. I can't figure out how to translate slapd.conf into the (new?) standard
2006 Aug 29
Bootstraping for groups and subgroups and joing with other table
Dear R-experts,
I have a table with following collumns: State, SamplePlot, Species and BodySize. I sampled bird species at 34 SamplePlots and 5 States (regions) monthly during two years. On each bird record I measured bodysize and identified the species. So I have many records of each species (about 150 species) at each SamplePlot and each Region (State).
Now I would like bootstrap
2010 Aug 12
Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?
This command
cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year)
> +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII)
> +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII)
> +log(dist)
> +fdiboth
> +odapartnertohost
> +corrupt
> +log(infraindex)
> +litrate
> +africa
2011 Jan 26
post-hoc comparisons in GAMs (mgcv) with parametric terms
Dear list,
I?m wondering if there is something analogous to the TukeyHSD function
that could be used for parametric terms in a GAM. I?m using the mgcv
package to fit models that have some continuous predictors (modeled as
smooth terms) and a single categorical predictor. I would like to do
post hoc test on the categorical predictor in the models where it is
Any suggestions?
2008 Nov 08
GAMs and isotropic bivariate functions with mgcv
Hi there,
I was wondering if by the way the isotropic bivariate function works in the mgcv package,
one can use highly correlated coordinates (given the shape of the study area) without worrying about the potential problems of correlation between explanatory variables, i.e., does s(LON, LAT) deal with that by considering their combined effect?
Although this sounds more like a statistical
2007 Aug 06
GAMs with errors in covariates
Dear list,
I'm interested in fitting a generalized additive model in which some of
the covariates are derived quantities and known measurement errors, and
I am not sure how to incorporate the uncertainty of these covariates
into the model fitting process.
Could anyone point me towards relevant examples or documentation?
Thanks in advance,
Julian M. Burgos
Fisheries Acoustics
2008 Mar 21
I have been searching for goodness-of-fit tests (or lack of fit tests) for GAMs and cannot find anything.
My problem is: after fitting a GAM to mortality data (smoothing crude estimated rates of mortality - a process called graduation in the actuarial literature), (1) how to assess the fit of the model with reference to "adherence to data" for the fitted model (I do not think the
2012 Nov 27
interactions in GAMs
Hi all,
I wonder if it's possible to include a double interaction in a GAM formula.
If I do this:
mod=gam(energy~s(size, *by=color, by=sex*, k=5) + temperature, ...)
I get the interaction betwen size*color and size*sex.
But I need size*color*sex, being size a smoother.
I've created a new variable (colorsex) which combines all the level of both
color (2 levels) and sex (2
2011 Sep 28
GAMs in R : How to put the new data into the model?
I have 5 GAMs ( model1, model2, model3, model4 and model5)
Before I use some data X(predictor -January to June data) to form a equation
and calculate the expected value of Y (predictand -January to June). After
variable selection, GAMs (Model 1)were bulit up! R-square :0.40
NOW, I want to use new X'( predictor -July - December data) and put into
Model 1, then get the expected value of Y'
2008 Aug 14
autocorrelation in gams
I am looking at the effects of two explanatory variables on chlorophyll.
The data are an annual time-series (so are autocorrelated) and the
relationships are non-linear. I want to account for autocorrelation in
my model.
The model I am trying to use is this:
gam1 <-gam(Chl~s(wintersecchi)+s(SST),family=gaussian,
na.action=na.omit, correlation=corAR1(form =~
2010 Apr 06
GAMs and survival data
Hello. I'm trying to analyze data, which is looking at the relationship between temperature and survival for fish (from fertilization to emergence). Looking at the raw data, there appears to be a bell shaped relationship. Ordinarily for survival data, I would run a generalized linear model (because the data has a binomial error structure). However, I am thinking that running a generalized
2007 Aug 14
weights in GAMs (package mgcv)
Dear list,
I?m using the ?mgcv? package to fit some GAMs. Some of my covariates are
derived quantities and have an associated standard error, so I would
like to incorporate this uncertainty into the GAM estimation process.
Ideally, during the estimation process less importance would be given to
observations whose covariates have high standard errors.
The gam() function in the ?mgcv? package
2011 Oct 13
Question about GAMs
hi! I hope all of you can help me this question
for example GAMs:
newozone ~ pressure + maxtemp + s(avetemp, bs = "cr") + s(ratio,bs = "cr")
#formula of gams
coef(ozonea) # extract the coefficient of GAMs