This is a bug in Design which has already been reported to this list.
Please report bugs to the corresponding package maintainers directly.
Uwe Ligges
Tao Shi wrote:> Hi List,
> I don't understand why 'lrm' doesn't recognize the
'~.' formula. I'm pretty sure it was working before. Please see
> I'm using R2.3.0, WinXP, Design 2.0-12
> thanks,
> ...Tao
>> dat <- data.frame(y=factor(rep(1:2,each=50)), x1=rnorm(100),
x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100))
>> lrm(y~., data=dat, x=T, y=T)
> Error in terms.formula(formula, specials = "strat") :
> '.' in formula and no 'data' argument
>> lrm(y~x1+x2+x3, data=dat, x=T, y=T)
> Logistic Regression Model
> lrm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat, x = T, y = T)
> Frequencies of Responses
> 1 2
> 50 50
> Obs Max Deriv Model L.R. d.f. P C
Dxy Gamma
> 100 1e-08 3.61 3 0.3066 0.594
0.187 0.188
> Tau-a R2 Brier
> 0.095 0.047 0.241
> Coef S.E. Wald Z P
> Intercept -0.05224 0.2071 -0.25 0.8009
> x1 -0.30699 0.1952 -1.57 0.1159
> x2 0.08093 0.2171 0.37 0.7093
> x3 0.21450 0.2247 0.95 0.3398
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