On 11-09-06 10:26 AM, Jannis wrote:> Dear list members,
> i have build a package which contains a collection of my frequently used
functions. To keep the code organized I have broken down some rather extensive
and long functions into individual steps and bundled these steps in
sub-functions that are called inside the main function.
> To keep an overview over which sub-function belongs to which main function
I saved all the respective sub-functions to the same *.R file as their
main-function and gave them names beginning with . to somehow hide the
sub-functions. The result would be one *.R file in<package>/R for each
'main-function' containing something like:
> mainfunction<- function() {
> .subfunction1()
> .subfunction2()
> #...
> }
> .subfunction1()<- function() {
> #do some stuff
> }
> .subfunction2()<- function() {
> #do some more stuff
> }
> According to the way I understood the "Writing R Extensions"
Manual I expected this to work. When I load the package, however, I get the
error message that the sub-functions could not be found. Manually sourcing all
files in the<package>/R directory however yields the expected
> In what way am I mistaken here? Any ideas?
Those definitions of .subfunction1 and .subfunction2 are not
syntactically correct: extra parens. If that's just a typo in the
message, then you'll have to show us real code. What you describe
should work.
Duncan Murdoch