On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:08:38 -0600, Belorion
wrote:> I have a site which I want to use a combination of Rails and non-rails
> (but still Ruby!) dynamic content.
> For example:
> contents of public/test.rhtml
> >>
> <%= "hello world!" %>
> If I serve this out with webrick, and I visit
> localhost:3000/test.rhtml, my browser (lynx ... doing development
> remotely and I forgot to open the darned firewall), then lynx thinks
> the content-type is applicatation/octet-stream. What am I doing wrong
> here? Thanks.
Why are you requesting .rhtml files directly? Are your non-rails
pages all just erb templates? If that''s the case, I''d create
''external'' controller with a ''test'' action
and move that test.rhtml to
> Matt
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