On 2011-04-01 10:19, Jim Silverton wrote:> I have a matrix with 2 columns and I want to do fishers exact test for
> with the totals for each row being 100 say.
> The data has the form:
> 23 12
> 32 21
> 12 2
> and these represents the tables:
> 23 12
> 77 88
> 32 21
> 78 79
> 12 2
> 88 98
> How do I use apply to speed up aclculation of the fisher.exact test?
apply(yourMatrix, 1, function(x) fisher.test(cbind(x, 100 - x)))
or, if you only want the P-value:
apply(yourMatrix, 1,
function(x) fisher.test(cbind(x, 100 - x))$p.value)
Peter Ehlers