Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1515 matches for "fishers".
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2009 Mar 06
Interpreting GLM coefficients
Hi all,
I?m fitting GLM?s and I can?t interprete the coefficients when I run a
model with interaction terms.
When I run the simpliest model there is no problem:
Model1<-glm (Fishes ~ Year + I(Year^2) + Kind.Geographic +
Kind.Fishers + Zone.2 + Hours + Fishers + Month, family =
poisson(log)) # Fishes, Year, Hours, and Fishers are numeric,
Kind.Geographic, Kind.Fishers, Zone.2 and Month are factors with 4, 3,
5 and 12 levels respectively.
Model1$coefficients (whith Helmert contrasts):
(Intercept) Year...
2013 Dec 10
fisher.test - can I use non-integer expected values?
I seem to be able to use expected values that are decimal (e.g., 1.33) when
using chisq.test but not when using fisher.test. This happens when using an
array/matrix as input. Fisher.test returns: Error in sprintf(gettext(fmt,
domain = domain), ...) : invalid format '%d'; use format %s for character
Thus, it appears fisher.test is looking for integers only.
I tried putting the
2005 Apr 20
negative p-values from fisher's test (PR#7801)
Full_Name: Martha Nason
Version: 2.0.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am running simulations using fisher's test on 2 x c tables and a very small
p.value from fisher's test (<2.2e-16) is returned as a negative number. Code
> set.seed(0)
> nreps.outer <-7
> pvalue.fisher <- rep(NA,nreps.outer)
> population1 <- c(
2009 Dec 17
Fishers exact test at < 2.2e-16
In an effort to select the most appropriate number of clusters in a
mixture analysis I am comparing the expected and actual membership of
individuals in various clusters using the Fisher?s exact test. I aim
for the model with the lowest possible p-value, but I frequently get
p-values below 2.2e-16 and therefore does not get exact p-values with
standard Fisher?s exact tests in R.
Does anybody know
2007 Jul 09
help on fisher.test(stats)?
Dear friends,
My dataset have many zeros, so i must use fisher exact test .
Unfortunately, the fisher.test(stats) function fail to do it.
Anybody knows how to do the fisher exact test with many zeros in the
My dataset is:
2006 Nov 13
hybrid in fisher.test broken?
The hybrid feature in fisher.test looks to me like an excellent way to
analyze my two-way tables. The only problem is that it does not seem
to be implemented. Am I right about this?
An example is pasted below. I note that I get the warning message only
when I shouldn't: for a 2x2 table hybrid seems to be ignored without
warning. In no case does fisher.test seem to be checking Cochran
2005 Sep 13
Fisher's exact test vs Chi-square
I believe you are mistaken. Fisher's exact test give the correct answer
even in the face of small expected values for the cell counts. Pearson's
Chi-square approximates Fisher's exact test and can give the wrong
answer when expected cell counts are low. Chi-square was developed
because it is computationally "simple". Fisher's exact test,
particularly with tables
2013 Mar 19
fisher.alpha warnings
I have two vectors (a and b) with counts of animals and wanted to
calculate fisher's alpha:
a <- c(2043, 1258, 52, 1867, 107, 1624, 2, 157, 210, 402, 5, 107, 267,
2, 13683)
b <- c(2043, 1258, 52, 1867, 107, 1624, 2, 157, 210, 402, 5, 107, 267,
2, 3000)
fisher.alpha(a) gave the following warnings:
> fisher.alpha(a)
[1] 1.572964
2015 Dec 03
After joining domain, Samba uses the workgroup name, not the FQDN when running the net ads command
jonathan.fisher at freeradius:~$ sudo net ads join -Uadministrator
Enter administrator's password:
Using short domain name -- WINDOWS
Joined 'FREERADIUS' to dns domain 'windows.corp.XXX.com'
jonathan.fisher at freeradius:~$ hostname
jonathan.fisher at freeradius:~$ hostname -d
jonathan.fisher at freeradius:~$ hostname -f
2012 May 11
Fisher Test in R
Suppose we have the following data set:
Men Women
Dieting 10 30
Non-dieting 5 60
If I run the Fisher exact test in R then what does alternative = greater (or
less) imply? For example:
mat = matrix(c(10,5,30,60), 2,2)
fisher.test(mat,alternative ="greater")
I get the p-value = 0.01588 and odds ratio = 3.943534. Also, when I flip
the rows of
2015 Dec 03
After joining domain, Samba uses the workgroup name, not the FQDN when running the net ads command is the core DNS server. It forwards anything in the
windows subdomain straight to the DCs, so it doesn't matter if this client
is pointed at the DC or the main DNS server. Either way, it still does the
wrong behavior, which is use the short .WINDOWS instead of .
I removed all .tdb files, purged /var/cache/samba, removed /etc/krb5.tdb,
and deleted the
2010 May 12
fisher's posthock test or fisher's combination test
Hi to all
is there a fisher's post hock test or fisher's combination test in R
Maybe not -- its very easy to do it in excel ...
Kind regards Knut
2011 Apr 08
Fast version of Fisher's Exact Test
Is anyone aware of a fast way of doing fisher's exact test for a series of 2
x 2 tables in R? The fisher.test is really slow if n1=1000 and n2 = 1000.
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2012 Jul 14
Help for Fisher's exact test
Hi, R-help,
I have a group of data from RNA-seq want to be analyzed by Fisher's
exact test in R. I want to compare the significant difference of about
30,0000 individuals in two different samples, and I have no idea how to use
R, so could you please give me some suggestions or the scripts for
Fisher's exact test? Thank you very much.
Guanfeng Wang
[[alternative HTML version
2005 Nov 10
Low level algorithm conrol in Fisher's exact test
Hi folks,
Forgive me if this question is a trivial issue.
I was doing a series of Fishers' exact test using the fisher.test
function in stats package.
Since the counts I have were quite large (c(64, 3070, 2868, 4961135)), R
suggested me to use
*other algorithms* for the test which can be specified through the
'control' argument of the
fisher.test function as I understood. Bu...
2011 Apr 28
fisher exact for > 2x2 table
I'm using fisher.exact on a 4x2 table and it seems to work.
Does anyone know exactly what is going on? I thought fisher.exact is only
for 2x2 tables.
Note: I can't use chi-squared because I have a couple of cells with 0 and <
5 observations.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/fisher-exact-for-2x2-table-tp3481979p3481979.html
Sent from the R help
2012 Dec 03
discrepancy in fisher exact test between R and wiki formula
Hi All. Sorry to bother you. I have a question about fisher exact test.
I counted the presence of gene mutation in two groups of samples. My data is as follows
Presence Absence
GroupA 4 6
GroupB 5 11
When using the formula of fisher exact test provided by wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27s_exact_test), the p-value is 0.29.
But when
2007 Nov 09
fisher.test, chisq.test
I want to analyse a contigency table (3 x 12) with a fisher.test
beacause there are cells that are less than 5.
?mmen Anken Baf Belchen H?chi Hof Porti R?m Schmutz Sch?n Sissa Tann
class14 7 26 150 2 46 68 126 66 3 31 7 61
class24 7 6 55 5 49 71 93 90 1 18 16 79
class34 1 1 4 3 19 8 29 61
2003 Apr 22
fisher exact vs. simulated chi-square
Dear All,
I have a problem understanding the difference between the outcome of a
fisher exact test and a chi-square test (with simulated p.value).
For some sample data (see below), fisher reports p=.02337. The normal
chi-square test complains about "approximation may be incorrect",
because there is a column with cells with very small values. I
therefore tried the chi-square with
2005 Sep 29
Fisher's discriminant functions
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to solve a problem about how to get the
Fisher's discriminant functions of a "lda" (linear
discriminant analysis) object, I mean, the object
obtained from doing "lda(formula, data)" function of
the package MASS in R-project. This object gives me
the canonical linear functions (n-1 coefficients
matrix of n groups at least), and only with this