Hi all, I have made a plot with ssplot, using a SpatialPointsDataFrame. The content is quite simple, as I have 9 grid points with lon/lat coordinates and 9 values attached to these coordinates. They are in a square area of 3 by 3 gridboxes. I would like to lay a map from maps() over these values, but when I try this, the grids of the maps (smaller) do not overlap with the grids I have already created with spplot(). I would like shaded gridboxes, the boxes should be filled with colour. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you in advance! This is part of my code: minlon<-4.5 maxlon<-12 minlat<-46.5 maxlat<-52.5 gt=GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=c(5.75,47.5),cellsize=c(2.5,2),cells.dim=c(3,3)) grd=SpatialGrid(gt,proj4string = CRS(as.character(NA))) gridparameters(grd) gd<-as.data.frame(grd,"SpatialGrid") h<-season_djf h<-as.data.frame(h) djf.att=SpatialPointsDataFrame(gd,h) gridded(djf.att)=TRUE spplot(djf.att, col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("red","orange", "yellow", "lightblue", "blue", "purple")), xlab="Longitude(?)", ylab="Latitude(?)",add=T,scales=list(draw=T),main="Seasonal change DJF MIUB", font.main=4) map('rivers', xlim=c(minlon,maxlon),ylim= c(minlat,maxlat), col="blue",add=T) map('worldHires', xlim = c(minlon, maxlon), ylim = c(minlat, maxlat), add = T, col "darkgrey",wrap=T) Regards, Saskia van Pelt