Hi Kyran,
Please reply via the list - you'll get more answers that way :)
My example had the data in vectors, you are using a data.frame. Try
replacing the relevant bits of your code (below) with these lines and
see if that helps...
rich.lm ~ lm(Chao1 ~ log(N.obs), data=table1)
smooth.effort <- seq(0,54,0.1)
predict(rich.lm, newdata=list(N.obs=smooth.effort)), col="red")
On 23 September 2010 18:06, Kyran Staunton <staunton.k at gmail.com>
wrote:> Ok so using your additions my script is......
> library(adehabitat)
> in.dir = in.dir="D:/R output/Richness/BK12SR.csv"
> out.dir = "D:/R output/Richness/"
> table1= read.csv(file =in.dir)
> y_range <- range(1:15)
> x_range = range(0,60)
> png(filename="D:/R output/Richness/BK12SR.png", height=800,
> width=1500, bg="white")
> par(mfrow = c(1, 1), pty = "m",
> plot(table1$Chao1~table1$N.obs, ann=FALSE, axes=TRUE, ylim=y_range,
> xlim=x_range, cex=1)
> rich.lm <- lm(table1$Chao1~ log (table1$N.obs))
> smooth.effort <- seq(0,54,0.1)
> lines(smooth.effort, predict(rich.lm,
> newdata=list(table1$N.obs=smooth.effort)), col="red")
> title(xlab= "Samples")
> title(ylab= "Chao1 (mean)")
> box()
> dev.off()
> #I have 54 samples (N.obs) and about 14 species (Chao1)
> R won't run the line as it states......
> Error: unexpected '=' in "lines(smooth.effort,
> newdata=list(table1$N.obs="
> Can you please decipher this error,
> Thank you very much for your time
> Kyran.
> On 23 September 2010 17:36, Michael Bedward <michael.bedward at
gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, assuming a trend in estimated spp richness vs log(effort) you
>> could do this...
>> plot(effort, richness)
>> rich.lm <- lm( richness ~ log(effort) )
>> smooth.effort <- seq(1, 10, 0.1) ?# or whatever is appropriate
>> lines( smooth.effort, predict(rich.lm,
>> newdata=list(effort=smooth.effort)), col="red" )
>> Is that the sort of thing that you're after ?
>> Michael
>> On 23 September 2010 17:07, Kyran Staunton <staunton.k at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sorry Michael,
>>> Yes it surely is, Chao1 species richness increase per sampling
>>> run through fossil.
>>> cheers,
>>> Kyran
>>> On 23 September 2010 16:58, Michael Bedward <michael.bedward at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Kyran,
>>>> Some more details of your data would be helpful. For example,
is it
>>>> cumulative species count over time ?
>>>> Michael
>>>> On 23 September 2010 15:05, Kyran Staunton <staunton.k at
gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am trying to fit a logarithmic trendline to a scatterplot
of a
>>>>> species accumulation curve. I've tried abline, lines,
curve and
>>>>> scatter.smooth but none of these work.
>>>>> Can anyone help please,
>>>>> Kyran
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