Just replacing preplot() with predict() should be fine.
BTW, it's always a good idea to specify the version of the package
you're using as well.
From: mhall at berkeley.edu>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to work through the examples and code in Loader's
> LOCAL REGRESSION AND LIKELIHOOD, and have run into a problem
> with the code for one sided smoothing and change point analysis
> (p. 110-112).
> The code, after loading locfit:
> midp<-(1945:1988)+0.5
> fitl<-locfit(thickness~left(year), data=penny, alpha=c(0,10),
> deg=1, ev=midp)
> fitr<-locfit(thickness~right(year),data=penny, alpha=c(0,10),
> deg=1, ev=midp)
> plot((preplot(fitr)-preplot(fitl))^2, type="b")
> the error message crops up after the plot command and is:
> Error in preplot(fitr) - preplot(fitl) :
> non-numeric argument to binary operator
> looking at preplot(fitr0 and preplot(fitl) shows a list with
> numeric values.
> Any suggestions on how to resolve this problem? I'm using R
> 2.7.1 on a
> Windows XP machine with Service pack 2.
> best and thanks, Mark Hall
> PS--a similar error case occurs using R 2.3.1 and 2.5.1
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