Harlan Harris wrote:> Hi,
> I'm running wine-1.0.1, OpenBUGS 3.0.3, R 2.9.0, and R2WinBUGS on a
> Enterprise Linux machine.
> Following various peoples' suggestions...
> This works perfectly (yay!): wine Z:/opt/OpenBUGS/winbugs.exe
> Within R, however, I get this:
> (setup the example from ?bugs, then....)
> R> schools.sim <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, model.file,
> n.iter=5000,bugs.directory="Z:/opt/OpenBUGS/")
> Error in file(con, "rb") : cannot open the connection
> In addition: Warning message:
> In file(con, "rb") :
> cannot open file
> No such file or directory
> Error in bugs.run(n.burnin, bugs.directory, WINE = WINE, useWINE = useWINE,
> :
> WinBUGS executable does not exist in
> /home/harlan/.wine/dosdevices/z:/opt/OpenBUGS/
> Trying to figure out these path issues:
>> ls /home/harlan/.wine/dosdevices/z:/opt/OpenBUGS/
> BackBUGS.lnk Compare Docu Graph Lindev
> Ole Randnumseeds.odc Std Updater
> brugs.dll Correl Doodle Host Manuals
> OpenBUGS.zip Ranks Summary Win
> brugs.so Dev Examples Html Maps
> Plots Samples System winbugs.exe
> Bugs Developer Form libtaucs.dll Math
> randnumseeds0.bmp Script.odc Test Xhtml
> classicbugs.exe Deviance GeoBUGS Lin Monitors
> Randnumseeds.html Spatial Text
>> ls
> ls:
> No such file or directory
> So, the warning message is correct, but the error is not. winbugs.exe
> clearly exists, and I'd expect bugs.run to find it...
So your WinBUGS installation is broken.
Can you please try to reinstall?
BTW, which version of R2WinBUGS are we talking about, the most recent one?
> If I add "program="openbugs"", then I get the warning
to install BRugs,
> which no longer exists. (But it's not clear if that's necessary.)
BRugs is available from the CRAN extras repository hosted by Brian
Ripley. Is BRugs really working on your machine? I've not heared of many
working Linux installations.
Uwe Ligges
> Is it possible to make this work?
> If not, I'm extremely thankful that I can use Bugs under Wine, but
> really prefer to use the R interface if possible!
> Thank you for any guidance!
> -Harlan
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