On Mon, 16-Jun-2008 at 11:35AM -0700, hanen wrote:
|> in order to minimize the police of the title of my graph i tried to use:
|> >title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6 cereus
peruvianus du
|> 1/07/02 au 31/09/02",font=0)
|> but this message appears:
|> Erreur dans title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6
|> peruvianus de 1/07/02 au 31/09/02", :
|> valeur sp?cifi?e pour le param?tre graphique "font" incorrect
|> what's the value that should i give to the parameter font ?
1 is probably what you want. To change the size, try changing cex, or
perhaps one of the other cex.* par values. Check out ?par and search
for cex. While you're there, check out how to use font.
___ Patrick Connolly
{~._.~} Great minds discuss ideas
_( Y )_ Middle minds discuss events
(:_~*~_:) Small minds discuss people
(_)-(_) ..... Anon