search for: graphique

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 246 matches for "graphique".

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2004 Sep 03
arima et graphique
bonjour, je rencontre quelques soucis au niveau de l'utilisation des fonctions arima.forecast/predict; en effet elles sont dites inconnues alors que j'ai bien install?? et charg?? le package "ts". Aussi, j'aimerai savoir comment visualiser le graphique des pr??visions avec arima et celui des donn??es brutes dans la m??me fen??tre. Tout en vous souhaitant bonne r??ception de ce mail, je vous remercie d'avance.
2008 Aug 03
(sans objet)
- Peut-on poser des questions en fran?ais? - Tr?s simple. Je fais un programme "truc.r" (sous emacs) Ce programme r?alise des graphiques. Je voudrais les enregistrer au fur et ? mesure -- sinon, quand la session est finie, ces graphiques sont perdus-- J'ai essay?: pdf("truc.pdf") Mais le fichier "truc.pdf" cr?? est vide. Comment fait-on? Merci et salutations Jacques Vernin
2010 Feb 19
plot circular histogram
In conducting studies of animal orientation and displacement, I need to produce circular histograms of angles (bearings in radians 0-2pi) where the centre of the circle indicates very few observations for a given bin of angles and outwardly concentric circles indicate greater frequencies of observations for a given bin of angles. I'd like not to have to write the function myself but I
2010 Sep 16
Help with customizing a histogram figure
...utput, there are empty spaces on the x-axis. How would I eliminate these spaces? I want a nice, smooth, empty-spaceless x-axis. (2) How could I add tracing lines to each histogram? I am undoubtedly using the wrong terminology. What I want to do is something like this: Note that each histogram has a tracing line that summarizes the histogram. In summary, I'd like to modify the code above to (1) get rid of the dead spaces on the x-axis, and (2) add lines that traces to each of the histograms therein (all on the same graph). I am...
2005 Sep 28
scatterplot3d + density() + polygon(color)
...R Users, How to use the function polygon() together with the package scatterplot3d? I am trying to color below of the curves defined for the function density(). I tried to use the site: R GRAPH GALLERY as tutorial. I tried to adapt the example of this page: [figure]: [code]: to my case but I do not obtain success. Somebody could give a tip to me, please? I am thankful anticipatedly. Cleber Borges #My code test ############## library(scatterplot3d) x=c(0.4, -1.2, .8, -....
2005 Apr 07
analyse des correspondances multiples
bonjour, Je voudrais faire une analyse des correspondances multiples avec R. avec les repr?sentation graphiques correspondantes avec R. je ne sais pas comment proc?der .. en vour remerciant par avance Faouzi
2018 May 10
Modèle à Equations structurelles
Bonjour, Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider avec le code R pour estimer les mod?les ? ?quations structurelles via l'approche PLS,int?grer des variables mod?ratrices et m?diatrices et afficher les graphique simultan? des mod?les interne et de mesure? Cdt. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 26
hclust leaf color
Hello everyone, I wanted to know if it was possible to change the color of certain leaves in a hclust object in order to make my graph more readable. I know I can color certain groups but I would like to enter a vector telling the plot function which leaves to color in which color. Thanks in advance, William.
2011 Mar 03
Ordering several histograms
Hallo everyone, I want to evaluate the change of the distribution for several size classes. How can i order these separate histograms with the same y-axis along a common x-axis according to their size classes. It would like it to look a bit like this ( without the quantile regression. I can produce the separate histograms, but have no clue how to merge them. i can put them next to each with separate x- and y-axes. Much obliged, Kenneth -- View this message in context:
2007 Nov 02
add histograms or distributions on regression line
hello, does anyone know how to add histograms or distributions on regression like just like quantiles regression in RGraphGallery below, a very delicate codes. Thanks alot.
2008 Sep 13
bubble(circle) plot help.
I need help creating a bubbleplot, like a simple pseudo three dimensional scatterplot of circles whose sizes index a 3rd variable. I initially came across this at but the circleplot function does not exist in fbasic as listed in the document. _________________________________________________________________ 50F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Sep 06
histogram in the background?
I intend to draw a plot of y against x. In the background of this graph I wish to creat a histogram of the horizontal variable x. Does any expert know how to produce such a plot? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
Hi, in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram version obtained from the site: def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting... x <- pmin(3, pmax(-3, rnor...
2010 Apr 14
Problems getting symbols() to show table data
...ues_pos, inches = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", bg="blue") symbols(xaxis, yaxis, circles = zvalues_neg, inches = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", bg="red", add=TRUE) [Incidentally, I have tried to work through this example ( ) but I am out of my depth in making sense of the code.] Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks, Guy -- View this message in context:
2006 Feb 13
Plotting contour & filled.contour in one graph
Dear All, I have a question on overlaying a filled.contour (e.g. on soil properties data) and contour (by elevation) in one graph. Both have the same z matrix dimension. I'm able to overlay both graph, but the plots dimension did not overlap well on the same plots. How can I have both filled.contour and contour on the same graph? The commands that I have written are as follows:
2011 Dec 10
Overlaying density plot on forest plot
Dear R User, Please, I am new to R. I want to overlay density plot for predictive interval pooled result in meta-analysis. Regards Frank Peter
2007 Apr 25
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package
...tempting to generate a heatmap from a table that contains the abundance of different bacteria at different locations, with a dendrogram that groups the environments by the pattern of bacterial abundance. This is easy, thanks to a nice code snippet at the R Graph Gallery ( env <- read.table("env.dat") x <- as.matrix(env) hv <- heatmap(x, col = cm.colors(256), scale="none", xlab = "Environments", ylab= "Species", main = "heatmap of species present in envir...
2007 Jul 26
multiple graphs
Does anyone have a simple explanation and example on how to add histograms or barcharts to an other graph like in the example at the R-graph gallery: looking at the code I'not undertand very well how to add graphs in arbitrary/clever position with an adequate scale. If somebody have a simplier example with explanations it will be highly appreciate. Best Daniele -----------------------------------------------...
2009 Jun 08
Re flect Back to Back Histograms in x-axis?
I've looked long and hard for this, but maybe I am missing something... There is a nice module that displays histograms reflected in the y axis, i.e. but is it possible to reflect in the x-axis, so to have two datasets, one pointing up and one down rather than left and right? I haven't been able to find a way to plot this way using the guide, or elsewhere. Thanks... -- View this message in context: http://www....
2005 Apr 18
the graph gallery strikes back
...Some time ago, in a gallaxy far away (here is the thread : ) we discussed about a graph gallery showing the power of R in that domain. I did some work around that, and there is a (pretty advanced) draft here : For instance, there are some of my graphs, some of Eric Lecoutre's and some coming from demo(graphics), demo(image), demo(persp) and so on. Pretty soon, I'll add the possibility to : - add graphs dynamically from the web - give a mark to each graph (maybe we can do s...