r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 11.06.2008 08:41:27:
> Hello to everyone,
> I am trying to compute a mean and show it to the screen and then save to
later be used> as a boxplot.I have used the following code:
> dat<-read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My
here you get data frame
> \Yeast.txt",header=T,row.names=1)
> file.show(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My
Documents\\Yeast\\Yeast.txt")> x<-dat[2,23:46]
x is data frame consisting from row 2 and columns 23:46 of data frame dat
> y=mean(x,trim=0,na.rm=T)
y is named vector numerically the same as x (you compute mean of one
if you want to see how your objects look like just print them on your
console by simply typing
x or y.
If you want to see internal structure do
str(x) or str(y)
> save(y,file="ydata")
> Am I computing the mean correctly and how to I show the value of the
mean to the screen?
Maybe its time to have a small glimpse into some basic documentation like
I may guess you want mean of columns 25:46. If this is true, then
colMeans(dat[, 23:46])
prints means for defined columns.
boxplot(dat[, 23:46])
gives you boxplots for each column.
But enough of speculation what do you really want.
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