DrakeGis wrote:> Hi all,
> I observed that the 'link' between R and BUGS (winBugs/linBugs)
> totally disappeared. I'm wondering what package can be use to run
> bayesian models specified using the BUGS language in R (specifically
> under Linux). Is there any other option besides JAGS ?
> Thanks
Ther are several package, if you want to use WinBUGS (not recommended),
there is the CRAN package R2WinBUGS, and if you want to use OpenBUGS
(the "new" version of WinBUGS), use BRugs, which is available from the
"CRAN extras" repository hosted by Brian Ripley (which is a default
repository for R for Windows, hence install.packages("BRugs") should
Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges
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