You don't want shQuote - that makes it a single argument.
Shells strip quotes, but system() does not use a shell on Windows -- you
could use shell() not system(), but that would be overkill here.
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008, Jeff Breiwick wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run the command: R CMD INSTALL -l mypath mypackagename
> from within R (Windows XP) using system() and get the following error:
> ARGUMENT 'CMD INSTALL -l D:/R/JMB.LIBS jmb.test' __ignored__
> Fatal error: you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or
> My function contains these 3 lines:
> setwd("D:/R/R.pkgs") # path to files set using
> commands <- shQuote("CMD INSTALL -l D:/R/JMB.LIBS jmb.test")
> system(paste('"R"',commands))
> Can anyone tell me where I have gone astray? I suspect the problem lies in
> quoting the strings. The command (R CMD INSTALL etc.) runs OK if I run it
> a windows shell.
> Thank you.
> Jeff Breiwick
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
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