On 1/22/08, Judith Flores <juryef at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Hi,
> Is there an analog function of textplot in the
> lattice package? I need to add a data frame to a
> lattice plot. I work in a Windows environment and I am
> using R v 2.6.1
There's nothing built-in, but if you are happy with fixed width text,
a simple wrapper to capture.output() should be good enough. Here's one
panel.textplot <-
function(object, ...,
gp = gpar(fontfamily = "mono"))
foo <- capture.output(object)
grid.text(paste(foo, collapse = "\n"), ..., gp = gp)
xyplot(1 ~ 1,
panel = function(...) {
You could use other arguments to grid.text() in the call to
panel.textplot(), giving a fair amount of control over placement etc.