Displaying 20 results from an estimated 68 matches for "fontfamily".
2010 Jan 12
Placing eps files from R into Adobe InDesign documents: specifying fontfamily
...an exporting as a metafile or bitmap), and
3. Use long strings of text in your titles or captions or to label your
Then you will have problems because:
1. Adobe InDesign doesn't recognize R fontfamilies in eps files, and
2. Adobe InDesing replaces the default R font, Helvetica, with a fontfamily
that looks like Courier, which significantly changes the physical length of
each character string and disrupts the spacing and justification of titles,
captions, and axis labels.
The way I solved this problem is:
1. When you execute a graph in R, use the Hershey family of fonts. I
particulary li...
2013 Sep 19
lattice: double y - problem changing axis color after doubleYScale
I have had some troubles using doubleYScale. No matter what I try, I cant manage to change the color of the y-axis in the end. I have to produce a black and white plot. There is also something I do not understand regarding fontfamilyj="serif" when using it in:
Maybe someone has a better idea for defining which line and dots belong to which y-axis when not using a colorcode than the one I had.
I have annotated my questions in the code below.
Thank you for your time!
Here is some dummy data:
2010 Jan 15
What is the newline escape sequence when using the Hershey fontfamily?
...ts? I obviously tried '\n' but it didn't work (see the
sample below). I looked at 'demo(Hershey)' but all it only shows escape
sequences for printable characters.
The sample I've been using to try to find the escape sequence is below.
You can comment or un-comment the fontfamily line to turn Hershey on or off.
xx <- c(1:10)
yy <- c(11:20)
main=list("This title should\nhave two lines"
# , fontfamily="HersheySans"
2009 Feb 03
color and fontfamily in lattice
I am having some problems using bwplot(lattice) in my data. I want change some parameters:
1) Fontfamily to serif
2) The size of the font
3) Put it in a bold face
4) Change de color of the lines
How can I do that?! Now, I am using this to plot my boxplot.
dados <- data.frame(varsep=as.factor(rep(1:2,10)),i=runif(20))
2011 Mar 09
VennDiagram Bugs
y.centre.3), a.list = c(r1, r2, r3), b.list = c(r1, r2, r3),
straight.reverse = TRUE, reverse = reflection, category = category,
cat.default.pos = cat.default.pos, lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
col = col, label.col = label.col, cex = cex, fontface = fontface,
fontfamily = fontfamily, cat.pos = cat.pos, cat.dist = cat.dist,
cat.col = cat.col, cat.cex = cat.cex, cat.fontface = cat.fontface,
cat.fontfamily = cat.fontfamily, cat.just = cat.just, fill = fill,
alpha = alpha, ...)
3: draw.120(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, category = category, revers...
2011 Jan 15
Truetype and Opentype font in pdf device
1. convert ttf to afm using ttf2afm, e.g.: $ ttf2afm Impact.ttf > Impact.afm
2. put the afm file in $R_HOME/library/grDevices/afm
3. register a new type1 font: pdfFonts(Impact=Type1Font("Impact",
rep("Impact.afm", 4), encoding = "TeXtext.enc"))
4. specify the fontfamily in gpar: grid.text('hello grid world',
but obviously, it is better if truetype or opentype fonts are directly
available without conversion to type1 font.
Also, I found that Cairo package can handle truetype or opnetype font.
However, the package see...
2010 Jun 29
More than two font in a plot
...an save it in PostScript format. I have read the article titled
"Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics", especially the
section about CJK fonts. I also tried the code:
> pdf("chinese.pdf", width=3, height=1)
> grid.text("\u4F60\u597D", y=2/3, gp=gpar(fontfamily="CNS1"))
> grid.text("is 'hello' in (Traditional) Chinese", y=1/3)
> dev.off()
however, it's not valid with postscript(). It seems that postscript()
need to set family in postscirpt(..., family = "CNS1"). Then all the
characters are in CJK font, and...
2010 Dec 01
Font family not found in Windows font database
Dear R Gurus,
I have a fairly simple problem, but I haven't been able to find the answer on 'the google' or in the r-help archives.
I am generating plots on both Windows and OS X where I need to guarantee that the font used is Arial. In my plot command I specify 'fontfamily="Arial"'. The problem is that on Windows I'm getting the following warning:
Warning message:
In grid.Call.graphics("L_text", as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, :
Font family not found in Windows font database
Here is my plot call. I have not included supporting code, a...
2003 Feb 14
programs for genetics - haplo.score for R
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: text/enriched
Size: 1819 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20030214/7f3adccd/attachment.bin
2013 Feb 11
how to make a median line thicker in bwplot (lattice)
I am drawing a boxplot using bwplot in lattice.
I would like to learn how to draw a thicker median line instead of the
default setting.
Thank you.
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2008 Jan 03
unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif
...1. This
application requires MS .NET Framework 1.1, so I tried installing Mono
1.26 instead. This allowed the My Siruis Studio installation to
complete, but an attempt to run My Siruis Studio fails immediately with:
Call from 0x7b830330 to unimplemented function
gdiplus.dll.GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif, aborting
err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow 0 bytes in thread 000b eip
7bc35267 esp 00411000 stack 0x411000-0x620000
Googling gdiplus.dll.GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif produces no
hits, nor does a search of the Wine bugs.
Does this error message suggest any obvious things to...
2005 Mar 09
Lattice device page options-margins
I am using lattice to make figures as pdfs:
trellis.device(device = "pdf",file = "Figure6.pdf",color = FALSE)
I need to specify some blank space on the left-hand margins (the pages
will be bound so we need about 0.5 inch)). I have tried a number of
solutions but none seems to work (e.g. par.set). Can this be done when
initiating the plotting device? Or is the some other way
2010 Mar 29
xyplot second y-xis and legend
#plot with second y-axis. This does not work:
xyplot(val~GF,groups= group, data=inp3,type="o",
scales=list(y=list(relation="free", rot=0)),
legend = list(right=list(fun = grid::textGrob("AB",...
2011 Jan 03
Font '?' cannot be found when running .NET apps
...err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
Unhandled Exception: fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"mscorlib.resourc
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"mscorlib.resources"
System.ArgumentException: Font '?' cannot be found.
at System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetGdipGenericSansSerif()
at System.Drawing.FontFamily.CreateFontFamily(String name, FontCollection fon
at System.Drawing.FontFamily..ctor(String name, Boolean createDefaultOnFail)
at System.Drawing.Font..ctor(String familyName, Single emSize, FontStyle styl
e, GraphicsUnit un...
2009 Apr 05
problem with lattice tiff or bitmap: character size and color
###res=72, pointsize=10, compression = "lzw")
plot(xyplot(Murder ~ Population | state.region, data = states,
groups = state.name,
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups)
ltext(x = x, y = y, label = groups[subscripts], cex=0.5,
fontfamily = "HersheySans")))
> R.Version()
[1] "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"
[1] "x86_64"
[1] "linux-gnu"
[1] "x86_64, linux-gnu"
[1] ""
2005 Feb 03
two issues
...two symbols in the key but when I print it
the key only contains one symbol for both!
here's the whole R code statement:
dotplot(chemical~adjlogmle| convert*tdnew, data=allrisk , group=rodentx,
main="Interspecies Conversion", pch=1:2, auto.key=TRUE, scales =
list(tick.number=10), fontfamily = "HersheySans")
Dean Sonneborn M.S.
Public Health Sciences *
University of California, Davis
916 734-6656
* formerly Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine
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2005 Feb 10
skip missing values in plots
...these Trellis graphics but how do I get this code to
skip the missing?
logreg<-read.csv("logreg.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.string=" ")
bwplot(yesno~bc_pcb_tot |varlist, data=logreg, main="Box Cox PCB
transformation", auto.key=TRUE, fontfamily = "HersheySans" )
Dean Sonneborn M.S.
Public Health Sciences *
University of California, Davis
916 734-6656
* formerly Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 30
Trellis.par.set/ family/ global change font?
OS: Linux Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
release: R 2.3.1
editor: GNU Emacs 21.4.1
front-end: ESS 5.2.3
I have a rather complicated trellis plot that a journal editor has requested I edit and change all the fonts to times.
I'd like to change all fonts globally for the plot, as in par(family="serif") for non-trellis plots. Various
2011 Apr 25
Problem with grid's text-based units and TrueType fonts
...t block, while the rectangle in "SizeMismatch.pdf" is too small. Why is this the case? I'm using R-2.13.0 (32bit) on Windows 7. Thanks a bunch. Cheers, Al
Cairo_pdf("SizeMismatch.pdf",11,8.5,pointsize=10)pushViewport(viewport(gp=gpar(fontfamily="Arial",font=1,fontsize=8,lineheight=0.9)))grid.text("The quick\nbrown fox\njumps\nover\nthe lazy dog")grid.rect(width=0.5,height=unit(5,"lines"))dev.off()
2007 Apr 25
Running a .NET 2.0 application in Wine
...install the Windows version of Mono.
I have done this (version 1.2.3), but it still fails
to run. The relevant error is:
Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was
thrown by the type initializer for
System.Windows.Forms.ThemeEngine --->
System.ArgumentException: FontFamily wasn't found.
I've searched around for the answer, and I've found a
few people with a similar problem but no solution.
Does anybody know what causes this?
I'm not sure if this is even a Wine issue or a Mono
issue, but I've also tried with native Mono, and I get
a completely d...