You would want to use the "user" time since that indicates that amount
of time it spends in the user application, which would be R. Take a
look at the ratio between user and system; user should be much higher
than system. If not, then this might indicate that you have a lot of
I/O going on, or some other activity requiring the operating system
(e.g., memory allocation, paging, console updating, etc.). Here is an
example of a CPU intensive operation and you can see that the system
time is zero:
> system.time(for (i in 1:1000) runif(1e4))
user system elapsed
1.24 0.00 1.36> system.time(for (i in 1:1000) runif(1e5)) # user time should be about 10X
user system elapsed
14.72 0.00 14.83>
On 10/28/07, kevinchang <shukai at>
> Hi all,
> Since proc.time return three different kind of times (user, system and
> elapsed) , I am wondering which one is right for calculating flops. In New
> Language (Becker et. al. ) , it seems to be the user because " the
user time
> measures the processor time used in S and the system time measures the
> operating system in response to S's request". But in R Help ,
system time
> sounds better as " The first two entries(referred to user and system
> respectively) are the total user and system CPU times of the current R
> process and any child processes on which it has waited". Please help
> Thanks.
> --
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390
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