On 18-Oct-07 11:56:48, erkan yanar wrote:>
> Ist there a possibility to write a R-Script using something like
> and then alle the requestet commands?
> Of course "R CMD BATCH" exists, but there was (for me) no
> possibility to write something like a HERE-script.
> regards
> erkan
Hmmm -- not that I've tried it before, but here is a copy
of a brief R session I just ran from the keyboard (lines
1-5 typed without the initial "$ " and "> " of course):
$ R --no-save << EOT> x<-2*pi*(0.1*(0:10))
> print(cbind(x,sin(x)))
> quit("no")
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> x<-2*pi*(0.1*(0:10))
> print(cbind(x,sin(x)))
[1,] 0.0000000 0.000000e+00
[2,] 0.6283185 5.877853e-01
[3,] 1.2566371 9.510565e-01
[4,] 1.8849556 9.510565e-01
[5,] 2.5132741 5.877853e-01
[6,] 3.1415927 1.224606e-16
[7,] 3.7699112 -5.877853e-01
[8,] 4.3982297 -9.510565e-01
[9,] 5.0265482 -9.510565e-01
[10,] 5.6548668 -5.877853e-01
[11,] 6.2831853 -2.449213e-16> quit("no")
So that's R running a pure "HERE document".
This also worked when I ran a file "Rbatch" containing
#! /bin/bash
/usr/bin/R --no-save << EOT
(don't forget to chmod 755 the Rbatch file!)
For some reason, however, an alternative form of Rbatch:
#!/usr/bin/R --no-save
does not work:
$ ./Rbatch
./Rbatch: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./Rbatch: line 2: `x<-2*pi*(0.1*(0:10))'
indicating that 'bash' itself is trying to interpret the
R commands, despite what is said in 'man bash':
If the program is a file beginning with #!,
the remainder of the firstline specifies
an interpreter for the program.
Hmm ...
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
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Date: 18-Oct-07 Time: 13:45:30
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