I found a great site with many Perl/tk examples (it's in German): http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/languages/perl/Hajji-Perlkurs/part4/tkperl.html It's quite simple to convert these examples to R's tcltk. One that gave me some trouble was: # (please open the file to get the context) # (...) # a checkbutton with dynamic text $now = localtime(time); $c2 = $mw->Checkbutton(-textvariable => \$now, -anchor => "w", -command => sub { $now = localtime(time) }, -state => "active", -variable => \$c2_value, -onvalue => $now, -offvalue => "No time"); # (...) which became: library(tcltk) # first of all, create a main window mw <- tktoplevel() # (...) now <- tclVar(date()) # this is different from Perl/Tk c2 <- tkcheckbutton(mw, textvariable = now, anchor = "w", command = function() { tclvalue(now) <- date() }, # this is different from Perl/Tk state = "active", variable = "c2_value", onvalue = now, offvalue = "No time") # (...) # display everything # (...) tkpack(c2, anchor = 'w', fill = 'x') # (...) # enter main event collecting loop - necessary in perl but not in R I tried to contact the author for permissions to translate, adapt and post the examples to the RWiki, but without success :-( Alberto Monteiro