Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:> Hi,
> mods <- lapply(lapply(df[,which(sapply(df, is.factor))],
> function(reg)lm(df$value~reg)), summary)
> res <- lapply(mods, "[", c(4,10))
> And for each model adjusted:
> 1-pf(res[[2]][[2]][1], res[[2]][[2]][2], res[[2]][[2]][3])
> 1-pf(res[[1]][[2]][1], res[[1]][[2]][2], res[[1]][[2]][3])
Here is another approach:
mymodels <- lapply(split(iris, list(iris$Species)),
function(x){lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width +
Petal.Length +
Petal.Width, data = x)})
lapply(mymodels, function(x){coefficients(summary(x))})
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.3518898 0.39286751 5.9864707 3.034183e-07
Sepal.Width 0.6548350 0.09244742 7.0833236 6.834434e-09
Petal.Length 0.2375602 0.20801921 1.1420107 2.593594e-01
Petal.Width 0.2521257 0.34686362 0.7268727 4.709870e-01
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.8955395 0.5070552 3.738329 5.112246e-04
Sepal.Width 0.3868576 0.2045449 1.891309 6.488965e-02
Petal.Length 0.9083370 0.1654325 5.490681 1.666695e-06
Petal.Width -0.6792238 0.4353821 -1.560064 1.255990e-01
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.6998830 0.53360089 1.3116227 1.961563e-01
Sepal.Width 0.3303370 0.17432873 1.8949086 6.439972e-02
Petal.Length 0.9455356 0.09072204 10.4223360 1.074269e-13
Petal.Width -0.1697527 0.19807243 -0.8570233 3.958750e-01
lapply(mymodels, function(x){coefficients(summary(x))[,4]})
(Intercept) Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
3.034183e-07 6.834434e-09 2.593594e-01 4.709870e-01
(Intercept) Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
5.112246e-04 6.488965e-02 1.666695e-06 1.255990e-01
(Intercept) Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1.961563e-01 6.439972e-02 1.074269e-13 3.958750e-01
Once you have a list of fitted models and can see how to extract parts
of the summaries, you can reorganize what you extract to meet your needs.
hope this helps,
> On 09/10/2007, Jiong Zhang, PhD <jizhang at chori.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> May I ask how I can save the coefficients and the p values into a
>> thanks.
>> jiong
>> The email message (and any attachments) is for the sol...{{dropped:20}}
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