Help on this is in
You can use
ylab = expression("Y Label " (m^2))
Use par(mar..) to increase the margin width, and then mtext to place y axis
y <- 1:10
x <- rnorm(10,50000,2000)
par(mar = c(5,6,4,2) + 0.1)
plot(x ~ y,
ylab = "",
las = 1,
type = "n",
bty = "n"
mtext(expression("Y Label " (m^2)), side = 2, line = 4)
If you use this within a function, you'll probably want to reset the margins
on exit:
old.mar <- par(mar = c(5,6,4,2) + 0.1) ; on.exit(par(old.mar))
HTH, Mike.
Murray Pung wrote:>
> I have checked out the help files, but cannot find details on how to use
> maths characters in ylab. Instead of m^2, I would like the 2 in
> superscript,
> if possible. I would also like to place more padding on the label so that
> the label is not obscured by the horizontal numbers.
> y <- 1:10
> x <- rnorm(10,50000,2000)
> plot(x ~ y,
> ylab = 'Y Label (m^2)',
> las = 1,
> type = "n",
> bty = "n"
> )
> Thanks
> Murray
> --
> Murray Pung
> Statistician, Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd
> 0404 273 283
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