search for: ylab

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3426 matches for "ylab".

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2008 Jun 10
substitute() reading data instead of name
...on definition gets 'confused.' The code is listed below. The same behavior occurs under OSX 10.3.9, PPC, w/ R2.2 and Rgui 1.14 and under OSX 10.4.11 Intel w/ 2.70 and the latest Rgui. What I see is that 'xlab' properly has the name of the data I entered for the x-input. But 'ylab' contains the string ' c( {all the data values in the y-input vector}) ' . If I un-comment the 'cat(ylab)' line or the 'dreck<-y' line, or if I create yy<-y and use yy from there on out, everything works properly. So, is this a bug, or am I a foolish n00b, or d...
2020 Mar 27
Expressions from boxplot() passed to bxp()
Hi, Is this expected behavior (R-3.6.0)? dat <- cbind(x = 1:10, y = 10:1) ylab <- substitute(X[t], list(t = 2)) plot(dat, ylab = ylab) # works (correctly displays ylab) boxplot(dat, ylab = ylab) # fails boxplot(dat, ylab = as.expression(ylab)) # works Thanks & cheers, M
2012 Nov 19
Plot Area Dimensions
...t which has larger margins. How can I get the plot region the same size for all 6 plots, whislt still having a large enough margin for the x-axis label on the bottom plot? y<-rnorm(1:100) x<-rnorm(1:100) par(mfrow=c(6,1)) par(mar=c(0,5,2,5)) plot(y~x, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="y") par(mar=c(0,5,0,5)) plot(y~x, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="y") plot(y~x, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="y") plot(y~x, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab="y") plot(y~x, xlab="", xaxt="n", ylab=&qu...
2010 Sep 28
A problem with plotting a long expression in ylab ?
Hello, It seems that there is a problem when plotting an expression in the ylab of a plot in case it is too long. Example: plot(1) title(ylab = "test looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong ") # work plot(1) title(ylab = expression(paste("test (% of 360" *degree, ")"))) # works plot(1) title(ylab = expressi...
2010 Nov 24
shifting down ylab in a plot
Hi guys, I am trying to shift down the "ylab" of my plot but can't find how to do it. I tried to tune "mar" but it enable more room for the labels to be displayed but it does not move to "ylab" as I would like. Is there a way with "par" to shift down my "ylab" ?? Cheers -- View this message...
2003 May 03
can't plot ylab in graph
Dear People, I am sure I am missing something obvious as usual, but in the following graph I can't plot ylab. Ignoring unimportant details, I am plotting one instance of truehist() and one instance of curve() on the same graph. Truehist() won't let me pass the ylab argument. It gives me the error Error in plot.default(xlim, c(0, ymax), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = "", : forma...
2009 Nov 24
Graphic Device - View/get all graphics
...wing just last graphic and in my FUNCTION there are 4 graphics with the PAR command function... Like those below... How do I view/get the other 3 graphics? Any help? Thanks in advance... histogram<-par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(rw_mean_app,main='Bootstrap Method RWOriginal',xlab='Mean',ylab=' ') hist(rwy_mean_app,main='Bootstrap Method RWY',xlab='Mean',ylab=' ') par(histogram) histogram<-par(mfrow=c(1,3)) hist(rw_median_app_ori,main='Bootstrap Method RWOriginal',xlab='Median',ylab=' ') hist(rw_median_app_mod,main='Bootstr...
2011 Jun 02
ylab spacing in resizePanels in latticeExtra
I would like the ylab in the second, resized graph to be centered on the actual positions of the panels of the second graph, not on the positions appropriate for the first graph. How can that be specified. Toggle the two graphs to see that the ylab is identically spaced in both, even though the panels are differently si...
2019 Oct 01
Improvement in hist command documentation
Hi all, In the histogram created with the `hist` command, the label of the y axis reads "Frequency ?. Finding that the ylab key is used to change (localize) that word may seem difficult for people who are beginners either in R or in english. I suggest very minor modifications of the file hist.Rd at 1) make the default value for ylab explicit, similarly...
2003 Apr 30
ylab in plot.POSIXct
...and have some data which consist of one vector of numbers and a second corresponding vector of dates belonging to the POSIXct class. I would like to plot the numbers against the dates. What is the best way to do this? It almost works to just call `plot.' However if I do this while using the `ylab' parameter I get a warning message: parameter "ylab" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function Here is a function that demonstrates the behavior. ylabProblem <- function() { x <- ISOdate(2003, 4, 1:10) # POSIXct vector y <- rnorm(10) plot...
2010 May 13
Multiple plots; single x(y) labels
Hi All, Can anyone please help me with getting a single x and y-axis label while plotting muliple plots. Here is the code: par(mfcol=c(2,2)) plot(x <- sort(rnorm(7)), type = "s", main = "", ylab="", xlab="") plot(x <- sort(rnorm(27)), type = "s", main = "", ylab="", xlab="") plot(x <- sort(rnorm(47)), type = "s", main = "", ylab="", xlab="") plot(x <- sort(rnorm(67)), type = "s...
2010 Nov 08
Several lattice plots on one page
...,40), var6 = c(0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004), var7 = c(123,223,123,412), var8 = c(213,123,234,435), all = as.factor(c(1,1,1,1))) pdf("test1.pdf", width=20, heigh=27, paper="a4") print(plot(groupedData(var1 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var1", xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,1,2,4), more=TRUE) print(plot(groupedData(var2 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var2", xlab="", ylab=""), split=c(1,2,2,4), more=TRUE) print(plot(groupedData(var3 ~ day | all, data = df), main = "var3", xlab="", ylab...
2008 Apr 22
plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
...your opinions whether the following fix for plot.default could be reasonable? I include the full function and the diff. Thanks, Oleg plot.default <- function(x, y = NULL, type = "p", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, log = "", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, asp = NA, ...) { ## These col, bg, pch, cex can be vectors, so exclude them ## Also, axis and box accept some of these localAxis <- function(..., col,...
2010 Jun 26
several common sub-axes within multiple plot area
...39; plot() function? Or do i need to get specific with some low level commands (help!)? With big thanks in advance for any suggestions/examples. cheers, Karl #my example: par(mfrow=c(3,2)) #Graph 1: plot(rnorm(20), rnorm(20), xlab = "Results 1 (Int)", ylab = "Variable A", main = "Factor X") #Graph 2: plot(rnorm(20), rnorm(20), xlab = "Results 1 (Int)", ylab = "Variable A", main = "Factor Y") #Graph 3: plot(rnorm(20), rnorm(20), xlab = "Results 2 (Int)", yl...
2006 Jun 14
positioning of separate y-axis labels in xyplot
I like the functionality provided by outer=TRUE, but when it comes time to place separate xlabs or ylabs, I always end up 'eyeballing' it on a case-by-case basis. For example, ##begin example require(lattice) cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars) print(xyplot(cars.lo$residuals+cars.lo$fitted~cars.lo$x, strip=FALSE, outer=TRUE, layout=c(1,2),...
2004 Aug 02
How to add a common title (or xlab, ylab) for multi-plots in the same window?
Dear R people, I am using par(mfrow=c()) to plot multi-figures in the same window. And I like to put a common title (and xlab, ylab) for all of plots. I have already left some margin by resetting omi values in par() and hided all (xlab, ylab) for each sub-plot. Could anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks a lot, Frank
2005 Jul 02
plot question
dear list: in the following plot: plot(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),xlab="year",ylab=expression (paste('M x'*10^{3},)),font.lab=2) font.lab=2, but xlab and ylab are different. I want both labels in the same way. help? a.d. ------------------------------------------------- Email Enviado utilizando o servi佺o MegaMail
2012 Jun 08
Resolution issue with exporting plots from R and write tables in Latex code for producing pdf document
...;Median","Max") SumLax[[i]]<-xtable(SumTab1[[i]],label=as.character(StationsInDir[i]),caption=as.character(StationsInDir[i])) par(mfrow=c(4,4),oma=c(4,0,2,0)) plot(1:length(SortedDataInList1[[i]][,1]),SortedDataInList1[[i]][,4],xlim=c(1,length(SortedDataInList1[[i]][,1])),ylab="Voltage 1 (v)",xlab="Date/Time ind.(10 min. int.)",type="p",cex=.001) plot(1:length(SortedDataInList1[[i]][,1]),SortedDataInList1[[i]][,5],xlim=c(1,length(SortedDataInList1[[i]][,1])),ylab="Voltage 2 (v)",xlab="Date/Time ind.(10 min. int.)",type=&...
2005 Jan 24
parameter couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
Dear R users, I am using function bandplot from the gplots package. To my understanding (viewing the source of bandplot) it calls function plot (add = FALSE) with the same parameters (except for a few removed). I would like to give extra parameters 'xlab' and 'ylab' to function bandplot, but, as can be seen below, that raises warnings (and the labels do not show up at the end). It does work to call title(... xlab="blah", ylab="foo") after bandplot (), but then I have two labels on top of each other, which is even more ugly. Can anyon...
2007 Jun 25
changing the position of the y label (ylab)
How can I change the position of the ylab, after enlarging the margins with par(mar=...)? Here is the relevant code snippet ---- par(mar=c(5.1,5.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(c(1979,2003),c(40,50),ylim=c(1,73),lab=c(20,10,1),pch=21,col='blue',bg='blue',axes=FALSE,xlab="Years",ylab="Onset/Withdrawl Date",font.lab=2...