Hi All, I'm trying to use the geoRglm package to run a poisson spatial glm on a dataset with several covariates. When I run without covariates I have no problems. control1.data.geo <- mcmc.control(S.scale=0.2, thin = 1) model1.data.geo <- list(cov.pars = c(1,1), beta=c(1), family="poisson") test1.model1 <- glsm.mcmc(data.geo, model=model1.data.geo, mcmc.input=control1.data.geo) iter. numb. 1000 : Acc.-rate = 0.634 MCMC performed: n.iter. = 1000 ; thinning = 1 ; burn.in = 0 When I try to run model tuning with more than one variable specified in the model using trend spatial I get an issue with accept-rates always equal to 0. Am I parameterizing the model incorrectly? control1.data.geo <- mcmc.control(S.scale=0.2, thin = 1) trend.max.trans <- trend.spatial(trend= ~ Maxent + TransLen, data.geo) model1.data.geo <- list(cov.pars = c(1,1), beta=c(1,1,1), family="poisson", trend=trend.max.trans) test1.model1 <- glsm.mcmc(data.geo, model=model1.data.geo, mcmc.input=control1.data.geo) prep1.fit1.model1.data.geo <- prepare.likfit.glsm(test1.model1) iter. numb. 1000 : Acc.-rate = 0 MCMC performed: n.iter. = 1000 ; thinning = 1 ; burn.in = 0 Thanks Ken [[alternative HTML version deleted]]