Your exampleisnot reproducible, but I guess you want to change the
par("mar") setting ...
Uwe Ligges
Joseph Wakeling wrote:> Hello all,
> I'm having a bit of a problem with x and y axis labels. Two things:
> first, if I want to create a plot with,
> plot.window(.....)
> axis(1)
> axis(2)
> lines(...)
> points(...)
> [etc.]
> ... where do I introduce the xlab=... and ylab=... commands? I
> attempted this in plot.window() but no labels showed up.
> Second, here's a bit of real code...
> postscript(file="RPDfig.eps",onefile=FALSE,
> + horizontal=FALSE,paper="special",height=8.3,
> + width=11.7)
> matplot(2:length(PRICE),t(NWpd),type="l",xlim=c(0,200),
> +
> + ylab=expression(over(x,y)),bty="n")
> points(2:length(PRICE),Ppd,col="red")
> Here the y label is meant to be x over y (a fraction), but the top part
> of the fraction is cut off by the border of the graphic. How can I fix
> this, either by creating extra space for the label or by insisting that
> the boundary of the graphic be extended to embrace the whole of the
> label? I've tried setting xpd=TRUE in the matplot command, but I'm
> sure that is the correct option (and it makes no difference).
> Many thanks,
> -- Joe
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