I have been comparing the output of an R package to S+Finmetrics and I notice that the covariance matrix outputted by the two procedures is different. The R package computes the covariance matrix using Method 1 and I think ( but I'm not sure ) that S+Finmetrics computes it using Method 2. I put in a correctionfactor (see below ) in to Method 2 in order to deal with the fact that the var function calculates the unnbiased estimate of variance. This gives the same answer in both problems for the data shown which I just made up. But, my hope is that , for much larger problems, leaving the correction factor out can maybe cause huge differences in the determinant ? That would explain why some of the output ( AIC, BIC ) differs in the two packages. I'm not really sure how to check this easily but if someone has an idea, it would be appreciated. Basically, I kind of want to run some sort of simulation along the lines of below to check whether this could be the reason for the differences. Thanks. x<-c(11,12,13,14,16) y<-c(2,4,6,8,12) z<-c(14,18,22,50,20) LHS<-cbind(x,y) sample<-nrow(lhs) # METHOD1 output1<-lm(LHS ~ z) resids<-resid(output1) sigma.hat1<-crossprod(resids)/sample print(sigma.hat1) print(det(sigma.hat1)) # METHOD2 fit1<-lm(LHS[,1] ~ z) fit2<-lm(LHS[,2] ~ z) correctionfactor<-sample-1/sample sigma.hat2<-correctionfactor*var(cbind(resid(fit1),resid(fit2))) print(sigma.hat2) print(det(sigma.hat2))