search for: method1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "method1".

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2008 Mar 02
[LLVMdev] Struct layout assumptions
...ous optimizers could do a better job if I preserve the type info. OK, so we come to the issue of inheritance: Suppose I have a class A and subclass B, each of which have two methods. One way to layout the vtable for B is to include the vtable for A as a sub-structure, i.e.: A.vtable = { A.method1 *, A.method2 * } B.vtable = { { A.method1 *, A.method2 * }, B.method1 *, B.method2 * } The advantage of this form is that when you upcast B to an A, the pointer to the B vtable can be upcast as well - i.e. its a valid pointer to a B vtable is also a valid pointer to an A vtable. However, wh...
2011 Jun 01
Function to save plots
Hello, I'm using ROCR to plot ROC Curves and I want to automate the saving of plots into PNG files using a custom function. My data frames are named like test1, test2, test3. Each data frame has three variables: method1, method2, goldstandard. Right now, for each plot I have to run: png('test1_method1.png') plot(performance(prediction(test1$method1, test1$goldstandard), "tpr", "fpr")) Here is the function I tried to create but I failed: roc <- function(arg1, arg2){ pn...
2001 Apr 25
Updated partial auth patch against CVS
Here is a new version of my partial auth patch against the April 24, 2001 CVS image. It fixes a couple of things (thanks to Karl M <karlm30 at>), and includes support for hostbased auth. It's still not pretty, but it works. 2 things Karl mentioned aren't fixed: - auth methods are still hard-coded into servconf.c. Fixing this would require a lot of work, and all the
2010 Jan 04
how to draw abline correctly?
...thod 2' gets a constant estimate, which is 0.1361. 2, since 'method2' is a constant. I prefer in the legend area, it just shows 'method2' as a short red bar instead of a knot/spot in the middle of the red bar in the legend area. How can I delete that spot? 3, when I draw 'method1' in blue one, I prefer a filled/shaded circle instead of the unshaded circle. I tried pch='.', seems it does not really work. Hopefully I make my question clear. Thanks a lot for any help! size=c(80, 40, 20, 16, 10, 8, 4, 2) estimate=c(0.1353, 0.1337, 0.1237, 0.1164, 0.1058, 0.0983...
2005 Sep 25
Prototype "classes" and inheritance
...9;'initialize''] = function() { _super_initialize.apply(this, arguments); _derived_initialize.apply(this, arguments); } delete destination._super_initialize; } return destination; } testObject_extend_with_super: function() { with(this) { var superInitArgs, method1Args, method2Args; var Super = Class.create(); Super.prototype = { initialize: function() { superInitArgs = arguments; }, method1: function() { method1Args = arguments; }, method2: function() { method2Args = arguments; } };...
2010 Aug 20
U value from wilcox.test the method 1 and 3 others by the method 2. So I have 2 groups of 3 samples, that are not paired. I would like to know if the results obtained by these 2 methods are significantly different, I hope method 2 to be more efficient than method 1. As I have few data I went for the Mann-whitney test: method1=c(35,40,56) method2=c(90,110,115) wilcox.test(method1,method2,paired=FALSE,alternative="less") Wilcoxon rank sum test data: method1 and method2 W = 0, p-value = 0.05 alternative hypothesis: true location shift is less than 0 As I have a small number of samples, I would prefer to c...
2006 Jul 06
Calling Method
Is there a way to call a method if I only have a string that contains the method name. For example: @methods = [''method1'', ''method2'', ''method3''] @step = 1 # I want to call method2 which has a definition in this class -- Posted via
2006 Jun 22
Change of controller name and SEO issue
Hi, I developed an app with cetain controller names. Now that the app is catching up I''m trying to change the controller names to be better aligned with the business. This is what I have now. http://localhost/foo/method1 http://localhost/foo/method2 http://localhost/foo/method2/a http://localhost/foo/method2/a/b http://localhost/foo/method2/a/b/c http://localhost/foo/method3 I would like to have that changed to http://localhost/bar/method1 http://localhost/bar/method2 http://localhost/bar/method2/a http://localh...
2008 Nov 23
tklistbox - R-Objekt
...s. My r-script for that purpose looks like that: require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tl<-tklistbox(tt,height=4,selectmode="single",background="white") tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="select method for LAI calculation")) tkgrid(tl) method<- c("method1","method2") for (i in (1:2)){ tkinsert(tl,"end",method[i]) } tkselection.set(tl,0) OnOK <- function(){ choice<-method[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1] tkdestroy(tt) } OK.but <-tkbutton(tt,text=" OK...
2007 Dec 08
Multiple Worker Methods on Different Schedules
Quick question: If I want to schedule different worker methods defined in the same worker to trigger at different times, is this possible? Would the following scheduler yaml work? :schedules: :foo_worker: :worker_method: method1 :trigger_args: 0 */10 * * * * * :job_key: some_key_1 :foo_worker: :worker_method: method2 :trigger_args: 0 */15 * * * * * :job_key: some_key_2 Would this work? Is there some other way to do it? Would the second method need to be pulled into a separate worker? Thanks, Andy...
2010 May 14
Putting 6 graphs on one page
...]),lwd = 2,lty=c(1,3)), superpose.symbol = list(cex = 1.5, pch = c(1,3), lty=c(1,3),col=c(PrimaryColors[4],SecondaryColors[4])), reference.line = list(col = "gray", lty ="dotted")) plot<-dotplot(c(out$j,out$rf)~rep(out$IV,2), groups=rep(c("Method1","Method1"), each=nrow(out)), type="b", scales=list(x=list(cex=1.3),y=list(cex=1.3)), auto.key = list(space = "top", points = TRUE, lines = TRUE,cex=1.3), ylim=c(0,5), xlab=list(conditions.long[i],cex=1.2,font=2), ylab=list("Dependent Variab...
2011 Aug 16
how to get the result in "short cut" manner?
Hi all: My data:data(sleep) If I wanna calculate each group's extra,what I can do is: #method1 attach(sleep) mean(extra[group==1]) mean(extra[group==1]) #method2 result<-matrix(,0,2) g<-split(sleep,sleep$group) for(i in 1:length(g)) { result<-rbind(result,data.frame(unique(g[[i]]$group),mean(g[[i]]$extra))) } colnames(result)<-c("name","mean") But the above...
2006 Jan 26
global objects?
Forgive the term global if that''s not applicable in rails (i come from a php background) I have a browse controller with a couple of different methods def method1 @properties = Property.find_all #other stuff for that method end def method2 @properties = Property.find_all #other stuff for that method end def method3 @properties = Property.find_all #other stuff for that method end I know RoR is all about not repeating yourself if you don''t have to....
2007 Aug 31
Deprecating the mocking framework?
I saw in one of Dave C.''s comments to a ticket that "our current plan is to deprecate the mocking framework." I hadn''t heard anything about that, but then again I haven''t paid super close attention to the list. Are we planning on dumping the mock framework in favor of using Mocha (or any other framework one might want to plug in?). Pat
2006 Apr 22
Creating a select dropdown box with links to methods
...t; Then I have a methond in my controller that based on the selct box selection, redirects to a different method/view: def select_view # Depending on the selection, redirect to a certain view. if params[:selection] = ''choice1'' redirect_to(:action => ''method1'') elsif params[:selection] = ''choice2'' redirect_to(:action => ''method2'') else redirect_to(:action => ''method3'') end end I''m sure there is a better way to do this but I can''t find it. P...
2003 Mar 17
scoping rules; summary all non-local variables that increment() uses in its body. [The original variable names referred to genetic bandsharing data for possums, eg coates.female.pouchyoung.allbands.method5 and huapai.young.male.sibling.relatedness.method3 and huapai.old.female.nonsibling.relatedness.justdarkbands.method1 ad nauseum...hence the need for shorter example variable names!] ll1 <- 2 #sic increment <- function(x) { l11 <- 1 #sic return(x+ll1) #sic; deliberate bug here (sic) } -- Robin Hankin, Lecturer, School of Geography and Environmental Science Tamaki Campus...
2008 Jun 12
Background thread - entension code - switch contexts
...=, -1, "Click me") sizer.add(btn, 0, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL,2) evt_button(btn.get_id){ Thread.abort_on_exception = true #that does not work @th = do Wx::Timer.every(20) do Thread.pass end method1 end } panel.set_sizer(sizer) end def method1 alg = alg.form = alg.algorithmize end end class MApp < Wx::App def on_init Wx::Timer.every(20) {Thread.pass} end end
2008 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] Mandatory duplicated incoming nodes on phis
...z) { %method = load i32* %foo_addr br label %not_zero not_zero: switch i32 %baz, label %no_exception9 [ i32 6, label %bci_56 i32 7, label %bci_56 ] no_exception9: %bar = load i32* %bar_addr br label %bci_56 bci_56: %method1 = phi i32 [ %method, %not_zero ], [ %method, %not_zero ], [ %bar, %no_exception9 ] ret i32 %method1 }
2012 Sep 04
get only little part of html with htmlParse
...options(encoding="gbk") library(XML) xmltext2 <- htmlParse("" ) 3.readLines options(encoding="gbk") library(XML) txt=readLines("") xmltext3 <- htmlParse(txt,asText=TRUE) method1,and method2 are ok,they can get right content to be parsed. when i run method 3 ,to my surprise ,xmltext3 can get some contents,but many are gone,they are not the same as method1,and method2,why? you can get only little part of html. > xmltext3 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD X...
2003 Oct 22
How to reformat data from database into data.frame?
...ote that GeneID=8 doesn't have the MethodID in any particular order and, in fact, there doesn't need to be an order to the GeneID, although I can force ordering as part of my SQL query. I want to reformat this into a data.frame with multiple columns: Value Value Value GeneID Method1 Method2 Method3 6 123 456 987 7 234 NA 432 8 864 190 34 Is there an elegant way to do this type of reformating in R? Thanks. Mark -- Mark Dalphin email: mdalphin at Mail Stop: 29-2-A phone: +1-805...