I have two data frames with a number of common variables that I wish to put into "long format". The first contains the variables es(Csales) [1] "terr" "Dec.02" "Jan.03" "Feb.03" "Mar.03" "Apr.03" "May.03" "Jun.03" [9] "Jul.03" "Aug.03" "Sep.03" "Oct.03" "Nov.03" "Dec.03" "Jan.04" "Feb.04" [17] "Mar.04" "Apr.04" "May.04" "Jun.04" "Jul.04" "Aug.04" "Sep.04" "Oct.04" For this the following code works fine. Csall<-reshape(Csales, idvar = "terr", timevar = "month", varying = list(c("Dec.02","Jan.03","Feb.03","Mar.03", "Apr.03","May.03","Jun.03","Jul.03","Aug.03","Sep.03", "Oct.03","Nov.03","Dec.03","Jan.04","Feb.04","Mar.04", "Apr.04","May.04","Jun.04","Jul.04","Aug.04","Sep.04", "Oct.04")),direction = "long") The second dataset contains the variables es(Ccalls) [1] "TERRITORY" "REGION" "ACTIVITY_TYPE" [4] "CONTACT_TYPE" "TARGETED_FLG" "CONTACT_GRADE" [7] "CONTACT_PR_SPECIALITY" "UBM" "DEC02" [10] "JAN03" "FEB03" "MAR03" [13] "APR03" "MAY03" "JUN03" [16] "JUL03" "AUG03" "SEP03" [19] "OCT03" "NOV03" "DEC03" [22] "JAN04" "FEB04" "MAR04" [25] "APR04" "MAY04" "JUN04" [28] "JUL04" "AUG04" "SEP04" [31] "OCT04" Trying the following code on this set produces an error Ccall<-reshape(Ccalls, idvar = "TERRITORY, timevar = "MONTH", v.names = list(c("TERRITORY","REGION","ACTIVITY_TYPE","CONTACT_TYPE", "TARGETED_FLG","CONTACT_GRADE","CONTACT_PR_SPECIALITY","UBM")), varying = list(c("Dec.02","Jan.03","Feb.03","Mar.03", "Apr.03","May.03","Jun.03","Jul.03","Aug.03","Sep.03", "Oct.03","Nov.03","Dec.03","Jan.04","Feb.04","Mar.04", "Apr.04","May.04","Jun.04","Jul.04","Aug.04","Sep.04", "Oct.04")),direction = "long") Where am I going wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards Dr Graham Leask Economics and Strategy Group Aston Business School Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET Tel: Direct line 0121 204 3150 email g.leask@aston.ac.uk [[alternative HTML version deleted]]