> library(nlme)
> fm1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary,
+ correlation = corARMA(form = ~ 1 | Mare, p =
2))> summary(fm1)
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: follicles ~ sin(2 * pi * Time) + cos(2 * pi * Time)
Data: Ovary
AIC BIC logLik
1561.995 1584.317 -774.9976
Correlation Structure: ARMA(2,0)
Formula: ~1 | Mare
Parameter estimate(s):
Phi1 Phi2
0.5991803 0.2028649
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 12.110836 0.7633842 15.864667 0.0000
sin(2 * pi * Time) -2.825762 0.5773713 -4.894185 0.0000
cos(2 * pi * Time) -0.838151 0.6432846 -1.302924 0.1936
(Intr) s(*p*T
sin(2 * pi * Time) 0.000
cos(2 * pi * Time) -0.276 0.000
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-2.39970879 -0.73304443 -0.02229811 0.64429618 3.19313563
Residual standard error: 4.607767
Degrees of freedom: 308 total; 305 residual> coef(fm1$modelStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)
corStruct.Phi1 corStruct.Phi2
0.5991803 0.2028649
2006/11/6, yyan liu <zhliur at yahoo.com>:> Hi:
> The gls function I used in my code is the following
> fm<-gls(y~x,correlation=corARMA(p=2) )
> My question is how to extact the AR(2) parameters from "fm".
> The object "fm" is the following. How can I extract the
correlation parameters
> Phi1 and Phi2 from "fm"? These two parametrs is not in the
"coef" componenet of "fm".
> Thanks a lot!
> liu
> > fm
> Generalized least squares fit by REML
> Model: y ~ x
> Data: NULL
> Log-restricted-likelihood: -1634.588
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept) x
> 16.0728672 0.2917921
> Correlation Structure: ARMA(2,0)
> Formula: ~1
> Parameter estimate(s):
> Phi1 Phi2
> 1.3368230 -0.4539957
> Degrees of freedom: 480 total; 478 residual
> Residual standard error: 20.80244
> ---------------------------------
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