I think it's a scoping problem. Your function NLL() looks for
"new" in
the environment in which NLL() was defined, but you generate your
simulated datasets in a different environment (local to sim.estim()).
There are a number of ways to deal with this:
- pass the dataset as a parameter to NLL()
- manipulate environments with "assign()" or "<<-"
- put "new" in its own environment and use "assign()" and
- define NLL() within sim.estim() after generating "new", like
"NLL <-
negative.log.likelihood(new)" where negative.log.likelihood() is a
function like
negative.log.likelihood <- function(new) {
NLL <- function(coef) {
... (your definition here)...
This defines a new NLL() each time, using the dataset "new" just
Reid Huntsinger
Simon Ruegg wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am trying to evaluate the optimisation behaviour of a function. Originally
>I have optimised a model with real data and got a set of parameters. Now I
>am creating simulated data sets based on these estimates. With these
>simulations I am estimating the parameters again to see how variable the
>estimation is. To this end I have written a loop which should generate a new
>simulated data set each time. However, the optimisation algorithm, which
>works fine if only one data set is used, does not recognise the simulated
>data in the loop. Can anyone tell me where the error is? The code is below.
>Thanks for your help
># The loop in which nothing works anymore. The NLL in the optim function
>appears not to recognise the "new" data set. The functions used by
this loop
>are given below.
> res=matrix(nrow=r,ncol=5)
> for (s in 1:r)
> {
> new=new.set()
> res[s,1]=Min$par[1]
> res[s,2]=Min$par[2]
> res[s,3]=Min$par[3]
> res[s,4]=Min$par[4]
> res[s,5]=Min$value[1]
> }
># function to create a new data set. Works fine on its own
> tmp=matrix(nrow=510,ncol=2)
> v=numeric()
> sim=Model_1(1.2761707, 0.1953354, 2.7351930, 0.1032929)
> tmp[,1]=sample(sim[,1],510,replace=T)
> v=runif(510,0,1)
> for (k in 1 : 510)
> {
> for (n in 1 : length(sim[,1]))
> {
> if (tmp[k,1]==sim[n,1] &&
> if(tmp[k,1]==sim[n,1] && v[k]>sim[n,2])
> }
> }
># The model to be fitted
> parms = c(beta0=beta0_mod, mu=mu_mod, k=k_mod)
> my.atol = 1e-6
> times2=c(0.028846154,0.038461538,0.057692308,
> times4=c(0.58333333,0.666666667,0.75,0.83333333,0.916666667,1)
> times5=c( 1.166666667,1.25,1.5,1.6,1.75,2,2.5)
> times6=seq(3,20)
> times = c(times1,times2,times3,times4,times5,times6)
> ODE_sys = function(t, x, w)
> {
> I=x[1]
> list(c(dI),c(S=1-I))
> }
> output = lsoda(c(I_mod),times,ODE_sys, parms, rtol=1e-6,
> return(output)
># The negative log likelihood of this model given a data set
"new". This
>works fine if it is used in the optim() routine with only one data set.
> beta0=coef[1]
> mu=coef[2]
> k=coef[3]
> I=coef[4]
> data_sim=Model_1(beta0,mu,k,I)
> LLsum=0 #log likelihood sum
> for (j in 1:length(data_sim[,1]))
> {
> if (data_sim[j,2]<0 || data_sim[j,3]<0)
> {return(1500)}
> for (i in 1:length(new[,1]))
> {
> if (new[i,1]==data_sim[j,1] && is.na(new[i,1])==F
> # if age of real data = age of simulated model and not
>equal to NA
> {
> if (is.na(new[i,2])==F &&
is.na(data_sim[j,2])==F &&
> # if state of real data and state of simulated model
>are not equal to NA
> {
> tmp1=new[i,2]*log(data_sim[j,2])
> tmp2=(1-new[i,2])*log(data_sim[j,3])
> if (tmp1=="-Inf" ||
> if (tmp2=="-Inf" ||
> LLsum=LLsum+tmp1+tmp2
> }
> }
> }
> }
>Simon Ruegg
>Dr.med.vet., PhD student
>Institute for Parasitology
>Winterthurstr. 266a
>8057 Zurich
>phone: +41 44 635 85 93
>fax: +41 44 635 89 07
>e-mail: s.ruegg at access.unizh.ch
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