1. Use the x, y and corner components to the key= list to specify
the legend position, and
2. pass the panel.number in the panel function and test that as shown
in the panel function below.
Alternately you can place the horizontal line on afterwards using
trellis.focus/trellis.unfocus as shown below.
Read the material under key= and panel= in ?xyplot for more information
on the key and panel arguments and read ?trellis.focus for more
information on trellis.focus/trellis.unfocus.
xyplot(DV~TIME | DOSE, data=data, groups=ID, layout=c(2,1),
lines=list(type="o",pch=c(1,16),lty=c(1,2), col=c(1,4)),
panel = function(x,y,groups,...,panel.number) {
lty=c(1,2), col=c(1,4), cex=0.8)
if (panel.number == 1) panel.abline(h=0.301,col=5,lty=1,lwd=2)
# add a red horizontal line only to panel 2, 1
trellis.focus("panel", 2, 1, highlight = FALSE)
On 8/9/06, HKAG (Henrik Agers?) <hkag at novonordisk.com>
> Dear all
> I have two questions regarding trellis plots - which I hope you may be able
to help me with.
> Is it possible to place the key in a trellis plot on the panel (instead of
beside the panel)? This will cause the same key to be reproduced on each panel.
Please see the plot below - here I placed the legend below the plot. I tried
moving the key to the function statement, but it did not really work out the way
I expected.
> One last thing, in the plot below I placed a horizontal line on the plot,
is it possible to only have the horizontal line on the left panel (I remember
that in S it was possible to state something like
"if(get("cell",fr=9)==2)" in the function statement to
include the line on only one of the panels)?
> All suggestions will highly appreciated.
> Br Henrik
> ###############################
> data <- as.data.frame(cbind(rep(1:4,each=25),
> rep(1:2,each=50) ,rep(1:25,4),
> rnorm(100,0,1) ))
> names(data) <-
> xyplot(DV~TIME | DOSE, data=data, groups=ID, layout=c(2,1),
> lines=list(type="o",pch=c(1,16),lty=c(1,2),
> layout.heights=list(key.axis.padding=15)),
> panel = function(x,y,groups,...) {
> lty=c(1,2), col=c(1,4), cex=0.8)
> panel.abline(h=0.301,col=5,lty=1,lwd=2)
> }
> )
> ###############################
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