I used your sample of data. When reading in I used 'as.is=TRUE' to
the conversion to 'factor'. I then did an explicit conversion to number
the PLAND column.
You should use 'str' to look at the structure of your data frame.
You have backsplashes and your 'print' will not show them. You do see
in the 'str' call.
Because of the backslash, you have to escape they twice (4 of them in the
strsplit command). The result is a character matrix that you can then
extract the data from.
> x <- read.csv('clipboard', as.is=TRUE)
> x
1 D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt Forest NA
2 D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt Forest 10.2
3 D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt Forest
9.2> str(x)
`data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables:
$ LID : chr " D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "
$ TYPE : chr " Forest " " Forest " " Forest "
$ PLAND: chr " NA" " 10.2" "
9.2"> x$PLAND <- as.numeric(x$PLAND)
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion> str(x)
`data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables:
$ LID : chr " D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt " "
D:\\Bijou-MC\\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "
$ TYPE : chr " Forest " " Forest " " Forest "
$ PLAND: num NA 10.2 9.2> strsplit(x$LID, "\\\\")
[1] " D:" "Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[1] " D:" "Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[1] " D:" "Bijou-MC"
[3] "Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt "
> do.call('rbind', strsplit(x$LID, "\\\\"))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[2,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt "
[3,] " D:" "Bijou-MC" "Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt
On 6/17/06, Milton Cezar <miltinho_astronauta@yahoo.com.br>
> Dear R-friends
> I have several data files with about 1,900 lines (records) each. I´m using
> read.table command to read the files. The files looks like
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest , NA
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P005_H100_R001.txt , Forest , 10.2
> D:\Bijou-MC\Simula_P010_H100_R001.txt , Forest , 9.2
> ---
> My first problem is that some command (like hist(data$PLAND)) say that the
> data isn´t a numeric one. May be because the first PLAND value are NA? When
> I done read.table command I used something link:
> data<-read.table (file="xxx.dat", head=T, sep="\,",
> Another problem is that I need parse the LID column. When I do "print
> (head(data$LID) I receive the following result (look that the slash was
> on the read):
> D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
> D:Bijou-MCSimula_P005_H100_R001.txt
> D:Bijou-MCSimula_P010_H100_R001.txt
> Its ok to me, but now I need create the P, H and R columns into the
> table as a parse of LID column. When I try use the command
> "p<-substr(data$LID, 19,3)" I got an error message saying that
the variable
> is not char one.
> Finally, I´d like drop the LID column and insert the P, H and R into the
> table.
> Thanks for your help!
> Kind regards, miltinho
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