On 2/19/2008 2:22 PM, Benjamin Zuckerberg wrote:>
> I am encountering an error when I attempt to reference a glm model
> within a function. The function uses the segmented.glm command
> (package = segmented). Within the segmented.glm command one specifies
> an object, in this case a logistic regression model, and specifies a
> starting threshold term (psi). I believe this is an environment
> problem, but I do not have a solution. Any assistance would be
> greatly appreciated. The function is as follows:
>> colonization <- function(x,y){
> library(segmented)
> col <- subset(final,final[,x] == 2 | final[,x] == 4)
> col[,x] <- ifelse(col[,x] == 2,1,0)
> glm1 <- glm(col[,x]~col[,"PLAND"],family=binomial)
> glm2 <- segmented.glm(obj = glm1, seg.Z = ~PLAND, psi=y, it.max = 100)
> }
>> colonization("PIWO",48)
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "x" not found
You could use traceback() to find the location of the error, but I would
suspect it's a bug in segmented.glm. You should contact the maintainer
of that package (Vito Muggeo) to work it out. (I've cc'd him.)
Duncan Murdoch