Dear R-help, The "family" collection of objects is very useful since I can perform some of the calculations involved when fitting glms easily in a vectorized manner. I would like to extend them in the following manner: I want to supply a vector of family names such as c("poisson", "gamma","beta"), and an indexing vector such as c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3) ( integer elements that go up to the length of the vector of family names). I then want to construct a new type of family object,, such that when calling any of its functions, eg.$variance(mu), it will apply a different function according to the indexing vector. I could do this quick-and-dirty using loops but I would really like not to loose much of the speed obtained through vectorised calculations. Any ideas? Thanks Simon Bond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /"\ \ / ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN - AGAINST HTML MAIL X - AGAINST MS ATTACHMENTS / \