I''ve been saving the associated object whenever I add something. This
is terribly inefficient, but I haven''t found a consensus on the
"right" way to do it.
# Set up the staff object, and then...
default_entitlements = %w(this that the_other_thing)
default_entitlements.each { |e|
staff.entitlements << Entitlement.find_by_code(e)
Not great, but it works.
On 1/12/06, jennyw <jennyw@dangerousideas.com>
wrote:> I know there''s a problem saving has_and_belongs_to_many
relationships w/
> Rails 1.0 in that only the first association is saved
> (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/3213).
> What are people doing about this? I guess I could move to using the
> trunk release, but I''m hesitant because that might introduce a
bunch of
> unknowns.
> Is there a workaround? For example, a way to explicitly saves assocations?
> Thanks!
> Jen
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