2006-Apr-20 07:49 UTC
[R] Bootstrap error message: Error in statistic(data, original, ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...)
Dear colleagues, I've been swamped and fighting with error for a few hours but still desperately having absolutely no clue: What's wrong with my bootstraping code? Thanks a lot! ------------------------ Error Message:> bootResults=boot(X, myFun, R=10000);Error in statistic(data, original, ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...) ------------------------ My code is: X=cbind(column_vector_1, column_vector_2); myFun=function(X) { return(mean(X[, 1])/var(X[, 2])); } bootResults=boot(X, myFun, R=10000); --------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Maybe Matching Threads
- Bootstrap error message: Error in statistic(data, origina l, ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...)
- Bootstrap error message: Error in statistic(data, origina l, ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...) [Broadcast]
- bootstrap: definition of original statistic
- call a function with explicitly not setting an argument
- Problem with the special argument '...' within a function