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On 4/13/06, gynmeerut <gynmeerut at>
wrote:> Dear R users,
> I am using a loop that does matrix multiplication in a manner
> (A%*%B)%*%(A)
> Here A is a row of data frame D of order(200x4). B is a (4x4). No need to
say D[j,] is 1x4
> so I am using
> for(j in seq(0.1,20,by=0.1)){
> S<- (D[j,]%*%B)%*%(D[j,])
> print(S)
> }
> As a result I am geting only one value of S, which comes using j=20.
> I need all 200 values of S so that I can use that for further analysis.
Means I need a 200x1 column.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
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