On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 23:08 +0100, Thomas Hoffmann
wrote:> Hey R Users
> I like to control the ticks and labels in a boxplot as described for a
> xyplot below (thread in maillinglist in may 2003). Does anybody knows
> how it works?
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas
> Thread from May 2003
> (http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/03a/5604.html)
> Hello R Users!
> I'm using lattice to produce some graphs with logaritmic y-scales. I
> the command
> xyplot(hits ~ c(1:1024), data=eichData, type="S", scales=list(y
> list(log=10)))
> to create the plot. This is fine, except for the automatically choosen
> tick marks. I'd like to have a major tick at the 10^n location and
> ticks in between which correspond with the native variable. To get this
> working I have to use at and label like
> labl <- rep("", 30)
> labl[1] <- "1"; labl[10] <- "10"; labl[19] <-
"100"; labl[28] <- "1000";
> nums <- c(1:10, seq(20,100, 10), seq(200, 1000, 100))
> xyplot(hits ~ c(1:1024), data=eichData, type="S", scales=list(y
> list(log=10, at=nums, labels=labl)))
It's not entirely clear whether you want this using bwplot() or
boxplot(). So...here are examples using both:
x <- 1:1000
labl <- rep("", 28)
labl[1] <- "1"
labl[10] <- "10"
labl[19] <- "100"
labl[28] <- "1000"
nums <- c(1:10, seq(20, 100, 10), seq(200, 1000, 100))
bwplot(x, log = "x",
scales = list(x = list(log = 10, at = nums, labels = labl)))
x <- 1:1000
boxplot(x, log = "y", yaxt = "n")
labl <- rep("", 28)
labl[1] <- "1"
labl[10] <- "10"
labl[19] <- "100"
labl[28] <- "1000"
nums <- c(1:10, seq(20, 100, 10), seq(200, 1000, 100))
axis(2, at = nums, label = labl, las = 2)
Is either one of those what you are looking for?
Marc Schwartz