Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7285 matches for "nums".
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2010 Sep 16
problem reading Matlab file into R
I'm trying to read a .mat file into R (2.11.1) with medium success so far. The file I have is a MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file exported from RiverSurveyor LIVE software (http://www.sontek.com/software.php). I have R.matlab and Rcompression installed and readMat() starts reading the file, as can be seen in verbose mode (hence medium success), but then gives the following error:
Error in dim(matrix)
2009 Mar 05
predict.fda - NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
Dear R users,
I'm trying to perform flexible discriminant analysis (fda) with
method bruto.
I applied the fda function on my training data:
bruto.fda <- fda
where fda.formula is: PRES ~ VA_D123 + VA_D124 +
2012 Jun 19
Stepwise Discriminant Analysis - greedy.wilks
I don't understand which is the problem
Could you help me please?
Thanks in advance
> str(data_indiciN2)
'data.frame': 200 obs. of 36 variables:
$ gruppo: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ I001N2: num 19.32 8.22 28.35 7.24 14.7 ...
$ I002N2: num 2.92 2.54 0.11 1.6 7.12 ...
$ I003N2: num -22.362 -0.222 -19.291
2012 Sep 29
Problems with stepAIC
Dear help community,
I'm a R-beginner and use it for my master thesis.
I've got a mixed model and want to analyse it with lme. There are a lot
Cofactors that coult be relevant. To extract the important ones I want to do
the stepAIC, but always get an error warning.
Structure of my data:
data.frame': 72 obs. of 54 variables:
$ Block : Factor w/ 3 levels
2013 Apr 06
arrange data
Hello all!
I have a problem to arrange data in another form. My initial data is like
'data.frame': 421 obs. of 58 variables:
$ 01A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 01B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 03A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 03B: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 05A: num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ 05B: num NA NA NA NA
2005 Jan 25
multi-class classification using rpart
I am trying to make a multi-class classification tree by using rpart.
I used MASS package'd data: fgl to test and it works well.
However, when I used my small-sampled data as below, the program seems
to take forever. I am not sure if it is due to slowness or there is
something wrong with my codes or data manipulation.
Please be advised !
The data is described as the output from str()
2013 Jan 03
splitting matrices
Dear useRs,
i want to split a matrix having 1116rows and 12 columns. i want to split that matrix into 36 small matrices each having 12 columns and 31 rows. The big matrix should be splitted row wise. which means that the first small matrix should copy values which are in first 31 rows and 12 columns of the big matrix. similarly 2nd small matrix should contain values from 32nd to 63rd row of the
2007 May 03
Numeric Range or comparision doesn''t work
it looks like Ferret still compares numeric fields by lexical ordering,
not numerical ordering. I am using Ferret 0.11.4(I tried in both linux
and windows, the results are the same).
index = Ferret::Index::Index.new()
docs = [
{:num => 1, :data => "yes"},
{:num => 1, :data => "no"},
{:num => 10, :data => "yes"},
{:num => 10, :data
2010 Jan 29
Explanation w.r.t. rbind, please!
This is what I tried:
> num.vec <- c(12.34,56.78,90.12,34.56)
> names(num.vec)<-c("first","second","third","fourth")
> num.vec
first second third fourth
12.34 56.78 90.12 34.56
> seq<-(1:4)
> num.mat<-rbind(num.vec,seq)
> num.mat
first second third fourth
2013 Jul 01
Asterisk 1.8.20 AGI function SAY DATETIME does not play anything when mode in say.conf is changed to "new"
I am using following say.conf file. Its a default file, which comes with
Asterisk installation.
When I call SAY DATETIME AGI function, it simply returns without playing
date & time. Where as if I use mode=old setting, it works. Is this a bug
or mode=new is not implemented for SAY DATETIME AGI function?
mode=new ; method for playing numbers and dates
2018 Nov 25
Variables: non-numeric argument to 'pairs'
Hola a todos
Estoy cargando una base de datos a R llamada "Base", desde excel. A la hora
de utilizar funciones como:
Error in pairs.default(Base) : non-numeric argument to 'pairs'
Una forma de arreglar este problema es utilizando la funcion as.numeric(),
pero me toca hacerlo variable por variable:
>Base$Variable1<-as.numeric( Base$Variable1)
2012 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] apparent mistake in several ports register td file ???
The field Num seems to have no meaning. It is not recognized by the
backend tools. It does not hurt anything but should not be there.
// We have banks of 32 registers each.
class MipsReg<string n> : Register<n> {
field bits<5> Num;
let Namespace = "Mips";
class ARMReg<bits<4> num, string n, list<Register> subregs = []> :
Register<n> {
2002 Dec 18
problem with 'gnls'
I'm working with data measured in a tunnel to estimate the
emission factor of heavy & light vehicles.
I tried to use 'gnls' and I get the following Error:
>> Error in "coef<-.corARMA"(*tmp*, value = c(174.267493382104, 173.412740072763 :
>> Coefficient matrix not invertible
Here is my R-code:
data <- d.plabutsch.neu
# calculating the starting
2010 Sep 23
Error: attempt to apply non-function
This code worked fine for me, then did some cleaning up of formatting using ESS (Emacs) and now I get this error, no idea what is causing it, all the brackets/parentheses seem to be balanced. What have I done wrong?
p0.trial01 <- 0.25
TruOR01 <- 0.80
num.patients.01 <- 50
num.trials.01 <- 5
LOR01.het.in <- 0.00
num.sims <- 1
simLOR01 <-
2011 Apr 19
How to Extract Information from SIMEX Output
Below is a SIMEX object that was generated with the "simex" function from the
"simex" package applied to a logistic regression fit. From this mountain of
information I would like to extract all of the values summarized in this
.. ..$ variance.jackknife: num [1:5, 1:4] 1.684 1.144 0.85 0.624 0.519 ...
Can someone suggest how to go about doing this? I can extract the
2012 Aug 30
Leading plus in numeric fields
Hello R experts,
I have go this data frame:
'data.frame': 1 obs. of 20 variables:
$ OreTot: num 41
$ GioTot: logi NA
$ OrGTot: logi NA
$ OreCli: num 99
$ GioCli: logi NA
$ OrGCli: logi NA
$ OreFor: num -27
$ GioFor: logi NA
$ OrGFor: logi NA
$ OreOrt: num -18
$ GioOrt: logi NA
$ OrGOrt: logi NA
$ OreSpo: num -6
$ GioSpo: logi
2013 Apr 05
Bug in SeaBIOS virtio-ring handling bug with vhost-scsi-pci
Hi Paolo & Co,
So I've been running into another bug with SeaBIOS w/ virtio-scsi +
vhost-scsi-pci code..
During the last weeks debugging on the QEMU vhost memory re-mapping bug,
my seabios builds have been using a smaller target ID (16) for scanning
than the default hard coded value of 256 in init_virtio_scsi().
After bumping this value back to 256 recently, a bogus out_num value
2013 Apr 05
Bug in SeaBIOS virtio-ring handling bug with vhost-scsi-pci
Hi Paolo & Co,
So I've been running into another bug with SeaBIOS w/ virtio-scsi +
vhost-scsi-pci code..
During the last weeks debugging on the QEMU vhost memory re-mapping bug,
my seabios builds have been using a smaller target ID (16) for scanning
than the default hard coded value of 256 in init_virtio_scsi().
After bumping this value back to 256 recently, a bogus out_num value
2012 Jun 19
I have used the greedy.wilks to stepwise discriminant analysis, but it
doesn't work with my dataset.
I don't understand which is the problem
Could you help me please?
Thanks in advance
> str(data_indiciN2)
'data.frame': 200 obs. of 36 variables:
$ gruppo: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ I001N2: num 19.32 8.22 28.35 7.24
2008 Jun 25
Is this sapply behaviour normal?
Hi, I'm trying to use sapply to compute the min of several variables, each
of them stored in data.frames, grouped as a list:
Is it normal that mean() and min() produce different objects dimensions?
> str(dats)
List of 5
$ log20:'data.frame': 83 obs. of 5 variables:
..$ DATE : int [1:83] 2001081500 2001081512 2001081600 2001081612
2001081700 2001081712