Mahdi Osman <m_osm <at>> writes:
> Hi list,
> I am fitting microarray data (intensity) model using the lme package in R
> environment. I have 5 fixed variables in the model. One of the fixed
> variables is genes. I am trying to get p-values for different genes. But I
> am getting only one p-value for all genes together. I can get a list of
> p-value when I run lm. Why can't this work in lme?
> I was wondering if some one can help me solve this problem. That is getting
> a list of p-value for each gene in the model using the lme.
The bioconductor list might be a better place for this question, and an example
would haven been welcome. So my only guess is: could it be that you forgot to
make genes a factor variable? When genes is a number, you get a linear
regression which is probably not what you want.