Thanks to the helpful R-hlep-er, the problem has been solved.
'm' was matching 'maxiter'.
Thanks again,
Ales Ziberna
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ales Ziberna" <aleszib at>
To: "R-help" <r-help at>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:25 AM
Subject: Problems with passing ... to a function
Dear useRs!
I have written a function that should pass argument "m" to the next
function, however it does not! Please have a look at the function below that
shows a problem and tell me what I am missing. As you can see, the
argument is passed corectly, while "m" is not.
Ales Ziberna<-function(
#function for optimizig partition in blockmodeling
M, #matrix
clu, #initial partition
maxiter=50, #maximum number of iterations
trace.iter=FALSE, #save a result of each iteration or only the best
(minimal error)
switch.names=is.null(BLOCKS), #should partitions that only differ in group
names be considert equal (is c(1,1,2)==c(2,2,1))
save.initial.param=TRUE, #should the initial parameters be saved
... #other arguments to called functions - to ''
inital parameters f<-function(blocks,...)(print(blocks))