On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 10:14:59AM +0200, Henrik Andersson
wrote:> I have used Sweave a lot the latest year, but never really used any long
> function calls.
> If I have code which look like this
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> gof <- benthic.flux(ID="Gulf of Finland",
> meas.conc=conc,
> bw.conc=bw.conc,
> time=times,
> substance=expression(DIC~(mmol~m^{-3}))
> )
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> I get the output by Sweave in my pdf file, like this:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > gof <- benthic.flux(ID = "Gulf of Finland", meas.conc =
> + bw.conc = bw.conc, time = times, substance = expression(DIC ~
> + (mmol ~ m^{
> + -3
> + })))
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> I can understand that it will not look exactly as entered but why is the
> '-3' on a line of it's own?
> Can anyone suggest a idea to how I can make this more readable.
It seems you've been thinking LaTeX rather than R ;-) :
The exponent "-3" in the expression should be enclosed by parentheses
rather than by curly braces.
The code formatting done by the print method inserts the newline after
"{" and before "}".
Best regards, Jan
+- Jan T. Kim -------------------------------------------------------+
| *NEW* email: jtk at cmp.uea.ac.uk |
| *NEW* WWW: cmp.uea.ac.uk/people/jtk |
*-----=< hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans >=-----*