Luke wrote:> Hi R-users,
> How to get a bug contex?
> My R code ran there for several hours, but a bug crashed it, printing
> such message like "Error: subscript out of bounds". I want to use
> browser() to catch the bug, but I don't know which loop caused the bug
> (there are many loops in the code). I even don't know which line of
> code caused the bug. Is there any utility or something in R which can
> let you know which line of code causes a bug?
No, but ...
Have you tried traceback() to see which function is the culprit?
You can also set options(error = recover) to look at the objects at the
time the error occured. Maybe you see which object is already defined
and can derive the point of the error that way.
Uwe Ligges
> Thanks,
> -Luke
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