2005-May-18 17:20 UTC
[R] New course***Advanced Statistical Modelling in R/S-plus
XLSolutions Corporation (www.xlsolutions-corp.com) is proud to announce a new 2-day "Advanced Statistical Modelling in R/S-plus" at 3 locations: **** Seattle ---------------------------- June 16th - 17th,2005 **** Atlanta ---------------------------- June 23th - 24th,2005 **** Chicago ---------------------------- June 30th - July 1st,2005 Reserve your seat now at the early bird rates! Payment due AFTER the class Course Description: This two-day R/S-plus course focuses on a broad spectrum of Advanced Statistical Modelling topics with detailed examples. With the following outline: - Trellis/Lattice graphics for data presentation and inspection in R and Splus - Overview of Statistical modelling and strategies in R and Splus - Diagnostics and transformations - Robust and resistant methods - Generalized linear modelling: link and variance functions, model fitting. Residuals - Logistic regression, Log-linear models - Quasi-likelihood 'models' and their uses - Non-linear and smooth regression: Least squares non-linear regression and Alternative algorithms - Penalized likelihood methods: Additive and generalized additive models: fitting, display and prediction - Linear mixed effects models. Model fitting and diagnostic inspection, Estimation and prediction - Generalized linear mixed effects models: fitting procedures and diagnostic checking - Non-linear mixed effects models. Fitting procedures and key examples - Generalized estimating equations (GEE) methods - Detailed examples Email us for group discounts. Email Sue Turner: sue at xlsolutions-corp.com Phone: 206-686-1578 Visit us: www.xlsolutions-corp.com/training.htm Please let us know if you and your colleagues are interested in this class to take advantage of group discount. Register now to secure your seat! Interested in R/Splus Advanced Programming course? email us. Cheers, Elvis Miller, PhD Manager Training. XLSolutions Corporation 206 686 1578 www.xlsolutions-corp.com elvis at xlsolutions-corp.com
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