You could use Dotplot() in the Hmisc package. For example:
mydata <- data.frame(BETA = runif(4, min=.50, max=.70), SIM = c("Sim
"Sim B", "Sim C", "Sim D"))
mydata$CIL <- mydata$BETA - runif(4, min=.05, max=.20)
mydata$CIU <- mydata$BETA + runif(4, min=.05, max=.20)
Dotplot(SIM ~ Cbind(BETA, CIL, CIU), data=mydata, ylab="",
main="Betas by Simulation")
hope this helps,
Chuck Cleland
Darla Munroe wrote:> Hello,
> I was wondering, is there a way to plot estimated betas and standard
> deviations that I've generated?
> Specifically, I have the following:
> A matrix of estimated betas (two different betas, 4 different simulations
> categories).
> A matrix of estimated standard errors corresponding to each of those betas.
> I would like to plot the estimated beta, and make a confidence interval for
> that beta similar to a boxplot, and I would like to plot the four different
> simulations in the same plot.
> I apologize for my ignorance, I am new to R. I just don't see anywhere
> specify "whiskers" for your own specified confidence interval.
> Thank you,
> DM
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Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
NDRI, Inc.
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