similar to: Plotting estimated betas, standard error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Plotting estimated betas, standard error"

2003 Apr 16
Hello, I get a nice looking barplot using the barplot2 function in the gregmisc package: body2 <- barplot2(hh3, beside = TRUE, col = c("mistyrose", "lightcyan"), .... cex.names = 1.0, = TRUE, ci.l = cil, ci.u = ciu, plot.grid = TRUE) box() However, obviously I lose the collors when converting from ps to a pdf (outside of R)
2012 Mar 15
Bar graph with 2 Y axis
Dear R users,   I need to draw a barplot with 2 Y axis. I have 3 days each of wich having 2 groups (and error bar for each of them). The height of the 3rd day is too tall compared to others. That's why I have to use a second Y axis for that. I am using  "barplot2" function of "gplots" library (to be able to add error bars as well). Data and  codes currently I am using is
2011 Sep 22
Bivariate Scatter Plots with Lattice
Data frame has this structure: 'data.frame': 11169 obs. of 4 variables: $ stream : Factor w/ 37 levels "Burns","CIL",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ sampdate: Date, format: "1987-07-23" "1987-09-17" ... $ param : Factor w/ 8 levels "As","Ca","Cl",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ quant : num 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
2005 Sep 27
Tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnomem
I recently couldn't connect to a windowXP domain share from a winXP client.(Samba is the PDC) When I attempted to mount the share from the samba server this is the error I got. colin@Alfalfa:~/oakwood$ smbmount //buckwheat/share buckwheat/ Password: 6586: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnomem (Insufficient server memory to perform the requested function.) colin@Alfalfa:~/oakwood$ smbmount
2011 Aug 23
pMCMC and HPD in MCMCglmm
Dear R users, I?d like to pose aquestion about pMCMC and HDP. I have performed a mixed logistic regression by MCMCglmm (a very good package) obtaining the following results: Iterations = 250001:799901 Thinning interval = 100 Sample size = 5500 DIC: 10.17416 G-structure: ~ID_an post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CIeff.samp ID_an 0.7023 0.0001367 3.678 2126 R-structure: ~units post.mean l-95%
2009 Mar 23
Plot Means Line with Standard Deviation as "Whiskers"
Hi list members. I’ll try to plot the abundance means of nine transects as lines, with five points on each transect (A to I). I will also need to plot for each point, it’s standard deviation (once each point will have tree replicates) as whiskers. Another problem will be that all the points should exist for each transect, but we know that six of the nine transects will have blanks (A1, A2, A3, -,
2008 Apr 12
[LLVMdev] Bitwidth analysis?
We have a bitwidth analysis that can be downloaded. It is not in LLVM. There should be a link in the paper: John Regehr
2005 Dec 01
Impaired boxplot functionality - mean instead of median
Hello to all users and wizards. I am regulary using 'boxplot' function or its analogue - 'bwplot' from the 'lattice' library. But they are, as far as I understand, totally flawed in functionality: they miss ability to select what they would draw 'in the middle' - median, mean. What the box means - standard error, 90% or something else. What the whiskers mean -
2017 Apr 30
selinux problem policies
Hello, My problem is to add selinux policies can any help to say what is wrong with my policies I write this! semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?/ typo3conf(/.*)?" I have more instances from typo3 I found this construct in the selinux policies "/var/www/html(/.*)?/uploads(/.*)?" but my is not working ? and I have only errors? neverallow
2008 Apr 09
[LLVMdev] Bitwidth analysis?
Hi, LLVMers, has someone implemented bitwidth analysis for LLVM? I was looking for something similar to the bitwise compiler described in "Bidwidth analysis with application to silicon compilation, by Mark Stephenson, Jonathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe" e.g.: all the best, Fernando
2012 Jul 13
box plot and plot whiskers
Dear R users, I have question concerning box plot and it's whiskers. As I understood from the description of the boxplot() function, if the range value is positive the plot whiskers extend out from the box to the most extreme data points defined by the values of the IQR times range (default 1.5). It suggests that the upper and lower plot whiskers should be more less the same length. What
2012 May 28
question how to add Standard Deviation as "Whiskers" in a simple plot
Dear Researchers, sorry for this simple question. I have a point plot with mean values and i wish to plot line with Standard Deviation as "Whiskers". I calculate the mean+sd and mean-sd, but i can not figure out the way to add the line. mydata <- data.frame(mean=c(0.42,0.41,0.41,0.43,0.45,0.43,0.43,0.42,0.44,0.45,0.45,0.45,0.46,0.43,0.42,0.37,0.44,0.46,0.46,0.39,0.40),
2004 Nov 20
how to suppress whiskers in a bwplot?
dear R-help, i have looked carefully through the R-help archives for information on how to suppress whiskers in a bwplot. someone asked this question a while ago, but the answer he received is not available in the archives. but i did manage to get my hands on a panel function (called "my.panel") that is supposed to do this (the function is reproduced at the end of the email, below).
2009 Jul 12
box and whisker (PR#13821)
In a Box and Whisker plot, I thought that when there are outliers both abov= e and below the whiskers, then the whiskers should both be the same length = (plus or minus 1.5 times the inter-quartile range). If you look at the plot for SilwoodWeather on p.155 of The R Book you will = see that for November (month =3D 11) the upper whisker is shorter than the = lower, while for other months with
2008 Sep 02
boxplot - label outliers
Hi All- I have 24 boxplots on one graph. I do not have the whiskers extending to the outliers, but I would like to label the maximum value of each outlier above the whiskers. I have the stats but am having trouble figuring out how to label the whiskers. Any suggestions would be great! sherri
2010 Dec 13
ggplot2 errorbarh
Hi, I'm having problems using the 'width' aesthetic attribute for the geom_errorbarh. This is the same problem reported earlier here, but I'll try to write the problem more clearly: The problem I'm having is that, the 'width' attribute is supposed to set the height of the endpoints of the whiskers, and
2008 Feb 14
[LLVMdev] Higher-level OCaml bindings
On Thursday 14 February 2008 16:33:25 Chris Lattner wrote: > On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Jon Harrop wrote: > > Does CLang use a suitable intermediate representation for this to be > > possible? > > The higher level IR that clang uses is basically a C AST. This interface > is under constant flux though. If you wanted to do this, it would be > very reasonable to just cons up
2010 May 12
Whiskers on the default boxplot {graphics}
How are the lower/upper whiskers defined in the default version of boxplot {graphics}? I tried help(boxplot) and searching, but I was unable to determine an absolute answer. I checked out the definition of boxplot according to Wikipedia (, but it also had several approaches listed for how the whiskers could be determined, so I'm just
2010 Feb 18
Can R make an usual dotplot
Dear R experts, Can R make an usual dotplot just like Minitab and other softwares? I have the following data, and can use dotchart to graph a dotplot: y=c(2.873438152e-01, -8.732895642e-01, 4.579001889e-01, 1.047395204e+00, 8.491182299e-02 , -1.938007105e+00, -1.273708343e+00, 9.848010588e-05, 7.238490734e-01, -1.490552717e+00) dotchart(y, xlab="10 observations from
2004 Jul 10
[LLVMdev] GCC frontend
Chris, LLVM is an excellent piece of work, LLVM is one of the few project I know that has used the mysterious GCC front-end. I think it will be a great contribution to the community if you could writeup and document how to interface to the GCC front-end data-structures (like LLVM has done). Specifically: a) detail the gcc front-end tree data-structures b) how to go about interfacing to them