I need to do a sample size calculation to determine the number of audits required. The results of an audit will be: 1) OK 2) Minor variances 3) Multiple variances 4) Severe variances We want to know the sample size required to determine the proportions in each category within say 5% with a confidence of say 80% (specific values to be determined). I have used the test of proportions before but that has been in reference to only two possible responses (pass fail). I searched the R-archive as well as my stats books and other stats web sites etc for a procedure that allows multiple dependent proportions (as described above). I am unsure if such a procedure even exists, if not procedure exists so does the standard calculations for the test of proportions apply or is an adjustment recommended (it seems to me the standard tests would give you a conservative sample size if you framed the question towards the least common out come, for example use the standard formulas to estimate sample size based on proportion of severe variances vs everything else). Based on my experience, if something exists anywhere it is in R, but I have my doubts. Information re R-packages, code, references etc gladly accepted and I apologize in advance for asking a question that is not really R specific. Michael J. Bock, PhD. ARCADIS 24 Preble St. Suite 100 Portland, ME 04101 207.828.0046 fax 207.828.0062 Michael J. Bock, PhD. ARCADIS 24 Preble St. Suite 100 Portland, ME 04101 207.828.0046 fax 207.828.0062 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]