search for: variances

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3763 matches for "variances".

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2005 Nov 30
Solving Systems of Non-linear equations
I am trying to write a function that will solve a simple system of nonlinear equations for the parameters that describe the beta distribution (a,b) given the mean and variance. mean = a/(a+b) variance = (a*b)/(((a+b)^2) * (a+b+1)) Any help as to where to start would be welcome. -- Scott Story Graduate Student MSU Ecology Department 319 Lewis Hall Bozeman, Mt 59717 406.994.2670 sstory at
2012 May 13
how to write data using xlsReadWrite
Hai I'm Dee. I'm trying to write var data from these codes inside excel file. My directory to store the data is *D:\FYP\image* . these are my codes, can you help give an advice or idea with my problem: l*ibrary("biOps") library("waveslim") library("xlsReadWrite") x <- readTiff("D:\\FYP\\image\\SignatureImage\\user186g1.tif") y <-
2010 Oct 04
Fixed variance structure for lme
I have a data set with 50 different x values and 5 values for the sampling variance; each of the 5 sampling variances corresponds to 10 particular x values. I am trying to fit a mixed effect linear model and I'm not sure about the syntax for specifying the fixed variance structure. In Pinheiro's book my situation appears to be similar to the example used for varIdent, where there is a fixed value for vari...
2012 May 13
write data using xlsReadWrite
Hai, I'm trying to write these var output data from these codes inside excel file. My directory to store the data is /D:\FYP\image / but receive an error message : /Error in write.xls(mydata, "D:\\FYP\\image.mydata.xls") : object 'mydata' not found/ these are my codes, can you help give an advice or idea with my problem: /library("biOps")
2012 Jul 25
Between-group variance from ANOVA
I'm trying also to understand how to get the between-group variance out of a one-way ANOVA, but I'm beginning to think that in a sense, the variance does not exist. Emma said: *The model is response(i,j)= group(i)+ error(i,j)* Yes, if by group(i) you mean intercept + coefficient[i]. *we assume that group~N(0,P^2) and error~N(0,sigma^2) * Only the error is assumed to be a random
2011 Aug 25
within-groups variance and between-groups variance
Hello, I have been looking for functions for calculating the within-groups variance and between-groups variance, for the case where you have several numerical variables describing samples from a number of groups. I didn't find such functions in R, so wrote my own versions myself (see below). I can calculate the within- and between-groups variance for the Sepal.length variable (iris[1]) in
2005 Jun 16
mu^2(1-mu)^2 variance function for GLM
Dear list, I'm trying to mimic the analysis of Wedderburn (1974) as cited by McCullagh and Nelder (1989) on p.328-332. This is the leaf-blotch on barley example, and the data is available in the `faraway' package. Wedderburn suggested using the variance function mu^2(1-mu)^2. This variance function isn't readily available in R's `quasi' family object, but it seems to me
2004 Apr 13
Non-homogeneity of variance - decreasing variance
Hello all, I'm running very simple regression but face a problem of non-homogeneity of variance, but with a decreasing variance with increasing mean...I do not know how to deal with that. this relationship doesn't seem to be strong, but it's my first time to see something like that, and would like to know what to do if one day it becomes stronger. I tested just for fun some
2008 Aug 25
Displaying Equations in Documentation
I'm currently working on writing up some documentation for some of my code, but am having the darndest time coding in equations. For example, the equation in the following: \details{ Calculated the R Squared for observed endogenous variables in a structural equation model, as well as several other useful summary statistics about the error in thoe variables. R Squared values are
2009 May 21
Problems with sample variance
Dear R users, I am a beginner to R. I generated 1000 samples with 15 data in each sample I tried finding the variance for each sample I used the code: m=1000;n=15 > r<-rnorm(15000) > for(i in 1:m){ x=data[,i] v=var(x)} what I got was just the variance for the last sample i.e. the 1000th sample but what I want is 1000 variance. Does anyone know what I did wrong? Thanks Chloe Smith
2008 Sep 09
PCA and % variance explained
After doing a PCA using princomp, how do you view how much each component contributes to variance in the dataset. I'm still quite new to the theory of PCA - I have a little idea about eigenvectors and eigenvalues (these determine the variance explained?). Are the eigenvalues related to loadings in R? Thanks, Paul -- View this message in context:
2007 Oct 01
Interpretation of residual variance components and scale parameters in GLMMs
Dear R-listers, I am working with generalized linear mixed models to quantify the variance due to two nested random factors, but have hit a snag in the interpretation of variance components. Despite my best efforts with Venables & Ripley 2002, Fahrmeir & Tutz 2001, R-help archives, Google, and other eminent sources (i.e. local R gurus), I have not been able to find a definitive answer
2011 Nov 01
help with unequal variances
Hello, I have some patient data for my masters thesis with three groups (n=16, 19 & 20) I have completed compiling the results of 7 tests, for which one of these tests the variances are unequal. I wish to perform an ANOVA between the three groups but for the one test with unequal variance (<0.001 by both bartlett and levene's test) I am not sure what to do. I thought i would run ANOVA with bonferonni post-test for groups with equal variances, then for the test with u...
2012 Jun 03
multiple variance structure in lmer giving zero variances
...estion is a bit more complicated and changes my random structure as well. I had originally built my model in nlme and used the multiple variance (varIdent) function to allow different variance for two of my terms (trt and state) in my nlme model because different levels in each term had different variances. There are two levels in each of these factors. Treatment is G or S (basically treated or control groups) and state is either Pre-treatment or Post-treatment. What is happening in my model is that the variance for the treated (G) is much smaller post-treatment than pre-treatment. Thus, overall,...
2016 Mar 24
summary( prcomp(*, tol = .) ) -- and 'rank.'
...the *proportions* as if there were only 14 PCs in > > total (but there were 32 originally). > > > > I would think that the summary should or could in addition show > > the usual "proportion of variance explained" like result which > > does involve all 32 variances or ... which are > > returned from the svd() anyway, even in the case when I use my > > new 'rank.' argument which only returns a "few" PCs instead of > > all. > > > > Would you think the current summary() output is good enough or > >...
2002 Aug 29
lme() with known level-one variances
...estimated regression coefficients and estimated standard errors for these pooled coefficients. In particular, I would like to estimate the model \beta_{i} = \mu + \eta_{i} + \epsilon_{i} \eta_{i} ~ iid N(0,\tau^2) and independent of the \epsilon_{i}, the latter themselves being independent with variances assumed known and equal to the squared standard errors reported in the regression output. I would like to use lme() to estimate \tau^2 by REML, and also get a sensibly weighted estimate for \mu from the fixed effects output. I am not sure how to do this. I have tried lme(fixed=beta~1,random=~1|...
2012 Jun 26
How to estimate variance components with lmer for models with random effects and compare them with lme results
...Source as random effects too to estimate the variance, i.e. lme(fixed=Trait~1,random=~(Treatment*Source)|Family, method="REML") However, in some cases, lme does not converge, hence I used lmer from the lme4 package: lmer(Trait~1+(Treatment*Source|Family),data=DATA) Where I extract the variances from the model using the summary function: model<-lmer(Trait~1+(Treatment*Source|Family),data=regrexpdat) results<-model at REmat variances<-results[,3] I get the same values as with the VarCorr function. I use then these values to calculate the actual percentage of variation taking the...
2009 Nov 09
prcomp - principal components in R
Hello, not understanding the output of prcomp, I reduce the number of components and the output continues to show cumulative 100% of the variance explained, which can't be the case dropping from 8 components to 3. How do i get the output in terms of the cumulative % of the total variance, so when i go from total solution of 8 (8 variables in the data set), to a reduced number of
2007 Jun 08
icc from GLMM?
Dear R users I would like to ask a question regarding to icc (intraclass correlation) or many biologists refer it to as repeatability. It is very useful to get icc for many reasons and it is easy to do so from linear mixed-effects models and many packages like psy, psychometric, aod and irr have functions to calculate icc. icc = between-group variance/(between-group variance + residual
2011 Feb 28
Robust variance estimation with rq (failure of the bootstrap?)
I am fitting quantile regression models using data collected from a sample of 124 patients. When modeling cross-sectional associations, I have noticed that nonparametric bootstrap estimates of the variances of parameter estimates are much greater in magnitude than the empirical Huber estimates derived using summary.rq's "nid" option. The outcome variable is severely skewed, and I am afraid that this may be affecting the consistency of the bootstrap variance estimates. I have read that t...